Oh What a Night!

Our Annual Concert and Awards Night was a tremendous success last night. The students rose to the occasion and were amazing on stage. I am always impressed at how it all comes together on the night. This is the result of many hours of organization, practice and rehearsal. A huge thank you to our amazing staff for putting in the time so that our students have the opportunity to shine. Performing in front of an audience and hearing the applause and cheers has such a positive impact on our young people. It lifts their confidence and gives them joy which permeates into other aspects of their growth and development. A big thank you to all of our community members who came to see the show. There were nearly 400 people in attendance! As one of the hosts on stage, I could actually feel the positive, happy vibes coming from the family members in the theatre.
Congratulations to all of the students who received awards on the night. I was reflecting on how far many of these students have come since they first enrolled with us. When I see these students being recognised for the progress they've made, it makes me so proud of the work our school does to support our learners.
Next week will be a short week. A reminder that Monday is a curriculum day, followed by the Melbourne Cup holiday on Tuesday. It will give the students a chance to recuperate after the big build up to the concert. On Monday teachers will begin our end of year reporting requirements. Assessments of student progress have already been underway. Only seven weeks to go in the school year!
Kai Pukarinen