
Occupational Therapy Hints and Tips
Does your child W-sit?
“W-sit” is a term to describe a sitting position in which a child sits on the floor with their bottom between bent legs and their legs rotated so that they are facing away from their body. Their legs form a “W” shape on the floor. It is adopted primarily because having a wide base gives the child stability.
The result is that the child’s trunk muscles are denied valuable practice in adjusting to sideways weight shifts. This needs to be discouraged as it can have a long time effect on the muscles and joints of the back, hips, knees and feet. The child may also develop the tendency to walk with their feet turned inwards.
What to do?
To avoid W-sitting, sit with your child on the floor and model a different way of sitting. You can suggest sitting cross-legged, long legged or on their side with their legs both out to the one-side. If your child prefers side sitting, it is a good idea to make sure it isn’t always on the same side.