Throughout Term Four, students will be completing learning experiences from Ochre Education’s high-quality curriculum resources covering a variety of topics in the field of Mathematics. These are new resources aligned to the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 which enact effective teaching practices such as explicit instruction, check for understanding, retrieval and spaced practice. We are excited to introduce these lessons into our classrooms. We will learn about:
- Data through basic activities that help students collect and interpret simple information
- Time introducing concepts of days, hours, and routines
- Measurement focusing on understanding sizes, lengths, and volumes through hands-on experiences
- Location and Spatial Awareness to help students navigate and describe their environment using terms like "in," "on," and "under."
- Sharing and Grouping to teach fundamental ideas about division and sorting, laying the groundwork for more complex mathematical reasoning
Together, these elements build a strong foundation in numeracy, supporting students’ overall cognitive development and problem-solving skills.
Key Vocabulary: sorting, data, before, after, first, next, last, weekdays, weekends, length, longer than, shorter than, same as, longest, shortest, height, mass, heavy, light, heft, lighter, heavier, about the same weight, capacity, full, empty, half full, holds more, holds less, holds the same, position, inside, underneath, under, next to, beside, left, right, forwards, backwards, equal shares, left over.
How can you support your child’s Mathematics learning at home?
- Talk about both school and home routines with your child using time related vocabulary and focus on the sequence of events/activities.
- Prompt your child to observe things around them by asking them where everything is. Provide them with the locational words if necessary.
- Make your child the little helper and create opportunities for hands-on experiences while shopping, cooking or gardening, where you can have maths talks around data, measurement, grouping, etc.