Library News
Borrowing Days - all classes Wednesday.
Library Bag - Please make sure all children have a library bag for their library books and that it comes to school on their library day.
There has been a massive clean out of books from across the school's collection.
We are offering these books for sale in Week 3, for $1 each.
Please note: the books will have a school barcode that has been crossed off, using the letter 'w' for 'weeded' (do not confuse these with your child's regular library books!).
Please send some money in with your child to grab a bargain!
There are some great titles on offer.
All proceeds will go to Catholic Missions.
Mrs Davey (Library)
SORA - The Digital Library
SORA the school’s digital library. The Armidale Catholic Schools Office provides access to a large number of ebooks and audiobooks that can be accessed through the SORA reading app. This free app can be downloaded onto devices or accessed through their website (click on the link). YOUR CHILD WILL NEED THEIR SCHOOL USERNAME & PASSWORD TO ACCESS THIS APP. The children use their username and password on their devices at school.
Once you’ve found the App, you will need to search for the ACEN library (Australian Catholic Education Network) and then enter your child’s school username and password when prompted. The books your child can access are filtered by their school login details which means younger students are unable to view secondary texts. For a quick video tutorial of how to use this App, watch the video here
Happy reading!