School Assembly
School Assembly for the 4th Term Dates
Here are the dates that our school assemblies will be held in Term 4
*Tuesday 12th November (Transition Graduation) at 2.30pm
We will be having our last school assembly for the year on Tuesday 12th November at 2.30pm. Hopefully, we will see you there.
Jelly Bean Cup
Congratulations to Year 3-4 for winning the Jelly Bean Cup as they demonstrated the key concept of the Living Well Learning Well Framework, respect toward others throughout the week. Also, congratulations go out to all of the students listed below who received an award for their outstanding achievements in the classroom.
Classroom Awards
Wally Cameron - Congratulations Wally on your remarkable improvement in reading - your hard work and dedication truly shine!
Millie Norton - Congratulations Millie for your outstanding ability to tackle tricky problems in multiplication while forming groups - your problem-solving skills are truly impressive.
Year 1/2
Reid Withers - Most improved reading expression.
Archer Clark - Excellent problem solving in Maths time.
Harry Fletcher - For terrific responses when learning about fractions.
Archie King - A fabulous improvement with creative writing.
Mackenzie Larkings - Dedication to the creative arts.
Oscar Young - Amazing improvement in reading, especially with expression.
Year 3/4
Lucie Saxby - Listening to and applying feedback to improve her written work.
Airlee Tate - Confidently engaging in class discussions to share her ideas and opinions.
Nina Blomfield - Consistently demonstrating active listening to both teachers and peers with respect and interest.
Lachie Partridge - Demonstrating persistence with challenging learning activities.
Year 5/6
Thomas Lisle - Showing enthusiasm and care when setting up our new vegetable garden, as well as taking a very strong interest in the upkeep and maintenance of our new playground and garden. Thanks Tom
Palesa MacMillan- Attention and focus during class discussions and showing great improvement in the completion of her work this semester.
Special Awards
Polding Team Selections
Angus (Cross Country) and Grace Fletcher Hockey).
ICAS Mathematics Assessment- Nina Blomfield, Hannah Marchant, Jessica Patterson-Kane, Claire Williams and Henry Blomfield.
ICAS Spelling Bee Assessment- Claire Williams.
ICAS Digital Technologies Assessment- Henry Blomfield.
ICAS Writing Assessment- Jessica Patterson-Kane.
NSW Premiers Reading Challenge- Bentley Brennan and Palesa McMillan.
Year 6 Religious Education Assessment 2024- Bentley Brennan and Angus Fletcher.