Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

The beginning of the Harry Potter saga, the first novel, the beginning of all things.
I rate Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone 5 wands out of 5 Bertie Botts every flavoured beans.
It introduces who Harry Potter is and why he lives with his awful step parents the Dursleys perfectly. The classic quote from the book and movie is great. The ‘yer a wizard’ quote is the greatest quote in Harry Potter history.
Be forewarned Professor Quirrell having he who shall not be named on the back of his head covered by his turban is a great dramatic twist. Harry thinks it was Professor Snape (in the movies played by Alan Rickman) who tried to kill him at the quidditch match because Hermione said that Snape wasn’t blinking at all. It was actually poor stuttering professor Quirrel who wasn’t blinking and was jinxing the broom the whole time.
Harry, Ron and Hermione are the greatest trio in book history next to Percy Jackson, Grover and Annabeth from the Percy Jackson books.
Also, Wingardium Leviosa is a pretty cool spell that is useful in many situations if you need to levitate something.
My final ranking is 10 wands out of 10 Bertie Botts every flavoured beans.
I don't know how to end this review so Accio, next review - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the second book.