Paul Edbrooke (MP) Comes to Assembly!

Dear parents and carers,


Firstly I would like to update you on leadership at Naranga School.  As you are probably aware Kai has moved for a short time to help out at another school.  As a result,  I have become the Acting Principal during this time.  From a school operations point of view there are no changes with Anne Maree Nicholson still the acting Assistant Principal.


The school is a buzz with Paul Edbrooke  (MP) visiting our morning assembly on Wednesday. Paul was here to present the Parliamentary Book Award.  The student was away at the time last year so the presentation was organised for the assembly this week.  At the time of booking the presentation we were unaware that it was the students 18th birthday.  At the end of the presentation Happy Birthday was sang by our school community.  The recipient Simi M in pathways.  A well deserved award.  Simi is partial to writing stories,  runs lunchtime Dungeons and Dragons. Simi is a real contributor to our school community.  Well done Simi!


It's Student Support Group meetings next week and it is really important for your child's success to make time to meet.  If you are not able to come to school,  they can always happen via telephone or computer.  If you have not made a time it is not too late,  please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher to organise a time.


We are still looking for parent involvement on the School Council.  This group does important work in supporting the school. You gain insights to school operations and some of what programs are offered across the school.  Meetings are twice a term and start at 6pm.  We have one parent that attends online because that works for them.  If you are considering it,  feel free to reach out to the school and I can always answer any questions you may have.


I had a visit to our school building site this week and I was pleasantly surprised at the progress.  With the plastering complete and final touches on the painting, I can get a real sense of how the building is going to look.  There is still a lot to be done, however we are all excited about the project.  It is a wonderful addition to our school and will significantly contribute to our programs.


Shaun Bacon

Acting Principal.