Junior School

As I pen my final article for The Vine for 2023 and think about the year that has been in Junior School, my heart is filled with gratitude on the remarkable journey we have undertaken as a learning community. In the tapestry of time, each school year weaves a unique pattern, and the threads of 2023 have been intricately woven with moments of growth, resilience, and above all, a profound sense of God’s unwavering faithfulness. As we look back on the challenges and triumphs, it is evident that His grace has been our constant companion, guiding us through the academic, social, and spiritual landscapes of this academic year. The threads of faith and learning have been intricately entwined to create a vibrant and meaningful tapestry of Junior School life. 


As we end this school year, I would like to thank all our parents. We value and honour the support of all of you, appreciating the vital part that you play in the education of our students. We congratulate every student for their accomplishments and for working hard to reach their God-given potential. My deepest appreciation is extended to our staff for their dedication to teaching and the heart they have for each child in their care. As clergyman John C. Maxwell penned, Teamwork makes the dream work. Our children are certainly the product of the teamwork between school and home, and I am thankful for the efforts of all members of the Oxley community both at the College and in the many homes represented across our Junior School. 


ROAR Awards

I wish to acknowledge our final ROAR nominees for 2023. It was an absolute pleasure to host afternoon tea with these delightful children. Conversation about holidays and Christmas gift lists filled the air, whilst we enjoyed delicious Christmas treats. Thank you to all the students for being role models in our Junior School and showing the attributes of respect, obedience, acceptance, and resilience. 

ClassStudent NameReason
Prep AZoe PerezRespect
Prep NEmmie FengObedience
Prep WJacob HuangRespect
1CBEva SkiltonResilience
1JBZixin YaoRespect
2ARyan LiRespect
2RAbigail Alfonso OspinaRespect
3GCing Sian (Zuun Nu) ZuunResilience
3PYunman LyuRespect
3ROlive HuntAcceptance
4TNoah SelageaResilience
4WNguntha SungRespect
5MCAlice ZhengObedience
5MOCaitlin LambertRespect
6BJonathan NewnhamAcceptance
6GSkyla LindnerRespect

Thank you to parents and friends who visited classrooms to attend our Writing Celebration on Thursday 23 November. The students cherished having family and friends in our Junior School again. The feedback provided to individual students was treasured. Students proudly shared their work and reflected on what they have learnt as a writer through this process.


It was pure delight to see the Prep students take to the stage on Wednesday 29 November for the annual Prep Nativity. In what is a strong Oxley tradition, the Preps confidently retold, in story and song, the birth of our precious Lord and Saviour. We congratulate our Prep students and teachers for the time and effort they have put in to present the message of Jesus to us. 


It is fitting to acknowledge our Year 6 students, who celebrated their Graduation on Thursday 1 December. Over the past weeks, students and teachers planned this event, writing speeches, designing slide shows and reminiscing over fond memories of Junior School. We celebrated and awarded specific students in the areas of academic excellence, sport, service to the community, and excellence in the Performing and Visual Arts. I would like to congratulate the following students for receiving the mentioned awards. 


Year 6 Awards 2023 

  • Junior Sports Girl of the Year – Mia Frazer 
  • Junior Sports Boy of the Year – Joe Powell 
  • Outstanding Service in the Performing Arts (Girl) – Leah Chen 
  • Outstanding Service in the Performing Arts (Boy) – Lincoln Johnston 
  • Outstanding Service in the Visual Arts (Girl) – Leah Chen
  • Outstanding Service in the Visual Arts (Boy) – Zichong Yao
  • Outstanding Achievement in Chinese – Mia Frazer 
  • Junior School Christian Citizenship (Girl) – Acacia Connelly
  • Junior School Christian Citizenship (Boy) – Ethan Selagea
  • Principal’s Award – Luke Graham – The Principal’s award recognises students who demonstrate outstanding resolve and perseverance.
  • Best All Rounder Award – William Xu – For excellence in Academic, Sporting and Performing Arts pursuits
  • Sharee Gaiser Academic Excellence in Education Award in Year 6 – Leah Chen
  • Jessica Wakeley-Rodgers Memorial Award – Hannah Nelson – This award is to honour Jessica, a student who was in Year 6 in 2003.  Jessica’s motto, as described by one of her friends, comes from Deuteronomy 6:5 - “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” 
  • H.K. Oxley Leadership Award – Stan Sween – The H.K. Oxley Award honours the life and service of Pastor Hal Oxley, founder of Life Ministry Centre and Oxley Christian College. This award acknowledges and celebrates exemplary servant-hearted leadership, inspiring others to lead with courage and integrity.

Please join me in congratulating our Year 6 students as they prepare for their upcoming transition to Year 7.


Preparing children for a positive transition to a new school year is crucial. Staff take much time and care when constructing classes to ensure each child’s continued success in their learning. To this end, your child was provided with the opportunity to visit their 2024 classroom on Friday 1 December and meet their new teacher and classmates. During this time, students were given an overview of the 2024 school year and the learning experiences they can look forward to. They participated in activities which promote connection to the peer group and aid a positive start to a new school year. We hope they enjoyed this opportunity and are looking forward to the new year. Class lists for the 2024 school year will be available on the Parent Portal from Monday 22 January 2024. 


At the conclusion of the school year, we say farewell to two Junior School staff, who have served our school community well over many years. I wish to acknowledge Mrs Libby Ledwidge and Miss Ginger Coughlin for their exemplary commitment to teaching and learning while also showing love and support to students that came across their path. They will all be sadly missed; however, we pray God’s blessing on the adventures that await, beyond the gates of Oxley. We look forward to officially welcoming new staff to our Junior School team in 2024 and introducing them to you. 


We also bid farewell to Mrs Ruth Hogg, Resource Centre Manager, who has faithfully served our community by looking after our library for the past 21 years. Thank you, Mrs Hogg, for all you have done. You have touched many lives and instilled a love for reading in many children. We hope you enjoyed the bubbles.

On Tuesday 5 December we gathered as a Junior School for the Final Assembly for 2023. All students were awarded a certificate for completing a successful year at Oxley. The morning was filled with beautiful performances from the Performing Arts department, and we enjoyed celebrating the achievements of our students across Junior School. It was wonderful to see so many parents join us for this occasion. Thank you to all of you who came.


As we bid farewell to a year filled with growth, laughter, and shared accomplishments, may the warmth of the holiday season fill us with joy and gratitude. To all our parents and cherished students, may this Christmas break be a time of rest, reflection, and the creation of precious memories with loved ones. 


In the words of Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. 


As we embark on this well-deserved break, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year. We look forward to welcoming you back on Wednesday 31 January 2024, ready for another chapter in our academic journey together. Until then, take joy in the holiday season as we remember the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 


But when the set time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Galatians 4:4-5 



Amy Liddle

Head of Junior School