Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this week’s newsletter:

  • Welcome Back
    • Education Minister's message
  • Appreciations and Acknowledgements
    • Vale Les Twentyman
    • Wigs4Kids - Well done Lauren!
  • News
    • Ground improvements
    • Sunsmart hats not required until Term 4
    • Term 1 videos from recent events
    • Team news
    • Classroom Volunteers invitation
    • Lost wallet
  • Coming Up
    • Assembly tomorrow
    • Prep tours are coming up
    • Forthcoming student free days during this term
  • Repeated and Updated Messages

Welcome Back for Term 2

We hope everyone has had some time over the period of Easter and term break to unwind, relax and pursue hobbies or activities of interest.


This term we are very keen to build on the foundations of a positive Term 1.  We are reminding families of the importance of arriving at school on time.  We understand that everyone can have a challenging start to the day from time to time but if this is happening regularly it may affect your child’s learning, as well as disrupting the smooth start to the day for the teacher and class peers.  


Our Education Minister, Ben Carroll has provided a welcome message to families.  It can be viewed here: short video message 

Appreciations and Acknowledgements

Vale Les Twentyman - Condolences to Les’ partner Cherie, former FWPS student Lotus (Les’ grand-daughter), and the extended Twentyman and Coon families on the sad news of Les’ recent passing.  Les really was an icon in western Melbourne, however his fame extended well beyond, due to the incredible achievements he managed, enabled by an extraordinary ability to convince so many people and organisations to contribute to support others.  As Les would say. ‘If you’re not part of the solution then you’re definitely part of the problem.  Communities and societies fall apart when good people do nothing.’ We got to know Les and Cherie well when as grandparents they became part of the FWPS community.  His outstanding action to support a FWPS family in crisis allowed me to observe first hand how he used his amazing network to achieve an outstanding outcome.  Pictured are Les and Lotus accepting a cheque for money raised to support the Foundation in 2016.  Rest in peace Les.

Wigs4Kids - Congratulations to Prep team member Lauren Baker for the terrific commitment to assist children with cancer with the great support of her family, friends and the FWPS community.  A final figure of $7,091.00 has been raised and along with the donation of her shaven hair, will be able to create two wigs for children who are recovering from cancer.


There is a video post at:


Ground improvements - Thanks to Taleb for organising the replacement of substantial sections of paling fences on the southern side of the oval and the shared fence line near the Prep Crocodile classrooms.

Sunsmart - We farewell mandatory hat wearing as required by all Sunsmart accredited schools for now.  Students are of course welcome to wear a sunsmart hat at any time.  The requirement to wear hats will return in Term 4.


Term 1 class videos from recent class events

Team News - This week you will find term summaries for years 2 and 4.  Grade summaries for the other teams, including the Specialist team will be included in next week’s newsletter.


Classroom Volunteers invitation - You may have recently received a Compass invitation to assist in your child’s classroom.  In this invitation the class teachers will have included a reminder that classroom helpers will need to have a current WWC card and have completed the relevant sections of our Volunteer Induction program.  Each week the relevant information on how to access this is listed within the Repeated (and updated) messages at the end of my report. Those of you who have indicated they are able to assist are due to be contacted by your child's teacher.


Lost wallet - Late last term a wallet was found in the yard.  There is a substantial amount of cash in the wallet and no other cards or documents to assist us to identify the owner.  We have no idea of whether this is a child or an adult's wallet.  If you believe this may be yours, or your child’s wallet, please contact the office and provide a description.

Coming Up… 

School Assembly… returns tomorrow with Pupil of the Week Awards (listed in today’s newsletter) presented and our first assembly presentation for this term presented by the students of 4MK.  As usual, if the weather is fine, the assembly will be held outdoors, however we have had a great run, so I’m sure the weather will turn soon!  On such occasions, assembly is held in the gallery space of Dingo.  Parents and carers who wish to attend to see their child receiving an award or in a group or class presentation are welcome to attend.  The assembly is broadcast to all classes for those who are not directly involved.


2025 Prep information sessions (talk and tour) will be held on:

  • Week 2 - Session 1 - Tuesday, 23rd April - 9:30am - 10:45am FULLY BOOKED
  • Week 4 - Session 2 - Tuesday, 7th May - 9:30am - 10:45am and 
    Session 3 - 6.00pm - 7.00pm
  • Session 4 - Week 6 - Tuesday, 21st May - 9:30am - 10:45am

To attend one of the above listed sessions, please register via the following link:


We encourage parents and carers to attend one of these sessions, particularly if new to our school community.  Enrolment forms will be available for all families residing within our school zone and enrolment applications will be offered for all families who reside outside our zone.  Places may become available after all those applying within the zone have been offered places.


Forthcoming student free dates this term - There will be a Professional Practice Day (student free day) held on Monday, 13th May.  That is during week 5 of Term 2. 


There will be a Curriculum Free Day (student free day) held on Thursday, 6th June.  That is week 8 Term 2, ahead of the King’s Birthday public holiday on Monday, 10th June (week 9).


TheirCare will provide a full day program on both these days should there be sufficient interest.




Repeated (and Updated) Messages…

Prep 2025 Enrolment Information - Prep 2025 Talks and Tours.  There will be four tours held over three dates, two weeks apart starting during week 2 of Term 2.  While there is no obligation to attend (especially for current families), families with a Prep 2025 starter are very welcome.  For new families, attendance is strongly encouraged.


Information can be obtained from our website: Book a Prep Enrolment Information Session and Tour here


Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) - If you have eligibility we don't want you to miss out. Please read the information included again this week in the 'From the Office Team' page. Please note the deadline for making an application is Friday, 28th June. 


Curriculum Contributions - A parent/carer payment contribution Compass post was forwarded to all families early in term and will be sitting near the top of your Compass tab.  We appreciate all who have supported our programs by making this payment already.


Car Park Access - A reminder that the car park is open prior to 8 am and after 4 pm daily for parent access for the Their Care OSHC program.  At other times please appreciate that the car park is for staff use.  Should you need to walk through to the Their Care location at Emu Corner, for safety’s sake we ask that you use the pedestrian gate next to the boom gate and make your way between Koala and the Wallaby buildings past Gecko via the basketball court through to Emu Corner.


Parent/Carer Volunteer Induction Please look out for the Compass post, pinned so it remains easily accessible. For all new families, or parents and carers who didn’t complete the online process last year, if you wish to assist in classrooms, excursions or camps, or volunteer for really any other purpose at FWPS, we need you to complete the modules online.  For parents/carers who did this last year, all you need to do is sign the relevant form at the office.  While the content will be adjusted when the Child Safety and Wellbeing Team can find the time, it remains relevant.