A Message from Vassie
Vassie Vatsilas-D'Arcangelo - Wembley Primary School Principal
A Message from Vassie
Vassie Vatsilas-D'Arcangelo - Wembley Primary School Principal
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land, the Wurundjeri, Woi Wurrung and Boonwurrung Peoples of the Kulin Nation and pay our respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging. Aboriginal people have a deep and continuous connection to the place now called Victoria. Aboriginal people have lived in the Maribyrnong River valley for over 40,000 years.
We have had a great start to term four!
In the past fortnight, we have held prep transition sessions, year 1 movie night, year 1 Science Works excursion, year 2 Yarraville historical walk excursion, waste free lunch daySchool Review Validation Day, teacher and leadership position interviews (outcomes to be shared in the coming weeks), Inform and Empower Digital Safety Learning sessions for Prep-Year 2 students, and regional athletics.
Congratulations to the students that competed in the regional athletics yesterday. It goes without saying that you did yourself, your family, and your school proud! Many students are heading to the states!! Please visit our social media for most recent updates.
We are looking forward to Junior School Council Loud Shirt Day (this Friday 20 October!), Year 5 Camp to Kangaroobie next week, Teacher's Day on Friday 27 November, the concrete slab being poured for our new capital building works on Friday 27 November, and the highly anticipated WPA Halloween Fun Run on Tuesday 31 October!
School Visit - Chris Thompson and Silvana Sena
On Friday 13 October, we had a visit from our South-Western Victoria Regional Director, Chris Thompson, and Area Executive Director, Silvana Sena, who toured the school, chatted with some students and staff members, and commented on the outstanding culture, reputation and outcomes at Wembley Primary School! Go Wembley PS.
Community Support - Events in the Middle East
I know that the events in the Middle East have weighed heavily on us, as we've watched as the terror has unfolded. I hope that you are travelling okay, and that you and your loved ones, both here in Australia and overseas, are safe.
Many in our school community are affected by the devastating events in the Middle East, whether it be vicariously or directly.
We are disturbed by the awful events depicted in media footage and images.
This time is particularly distressing for staff, students, families and carers who have family and friends in Israel and Gaza.
We are also aware that students of diverse backgrounds, including Jewish and Muslim students, may be significantly affected by public events, mainstream media coverage and social media at this time.
Please be assured that all staff are aware of the extreme emotional toll on many in our community at this time. But please also feel free to get in contact with any of the staff at our school if you would like to ensure we are aware of what your child is going through at this time.
Please reach out to the person that is most familiar to you, or that you are most comfortable talking to. This might be your child's classroom teacher, or a known member of the leadership or wellbeing team. The school office will also be able to direct lines of communication, should you not feel sure about who to talk to.
Our support staff will continue doing all they can to support all our students, and support is also available for our staff.
I also want to assure you that the Department of Education is monitoring the situation from a school security perspective, and have advised there is no further action we need to take at this stage.
It is possible that extremely distressing scenes from the conflict may be posted online in coming days. Please ensure your children are aware of where they can find support in the event they come across such images. At our school, this includes their classroom teacher, and/or members of the leadership and wellbeing team.
You may find some aspects of this resource helpful:
Support is also available through external services including:
My door is always open and I am sure we will all look to support one another, in this very difficult time.
Community Support - The Voice Referendum Result
Last week, on Friday, we proudly installed a third flag pole with the Torres Strait Islander Flag, beside the Australian and Aboriginal Flag.
Upon reflection of the Voice Referendum result, I would like to share with our community a reflection shared by Deputy Secretary of Department of Education, David Howes.
As you know, over the weekend the Commonwealth government held a referendum on whether to alter the Australian Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Enough votes have been counted for us to know that the referendum did not pass. This referendum is the first that Australia has had in over two decades and it highlights the importance of referendums to our democratic system of government. We know that in a democracy, it’s important that people can express their opinions on key issues, especially those of great national importance.The Premier and the Minister for Treaty and First Peoples put out a joint statement on Voice yesterday that I encourage you to read.
For many people, this referendum has been – and will continue to be – a sensitive topic with deep, personal meaning and it is important that we continue to engage with each in a respectful and considerate way.
There will be different responses to this outcome, including disappointment or distress for many students, staff and communities.
I would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge this and ensure that available support is offered to students, staff and families who may be impacted.
I encourage any community members that may need support at this time, to reach out to us, and share the following support services.
We stand together as a community, reinforcing our school value of inclusion.
Once again, my door is always open for a chat, a yarn and ongoing support.
THANK YOU TEACHER'S - Teacher's Day - Friday 27 October!
Next Friday 27 October is Teacher's Day. We will be acknowledging our teachers for their inspiring and passionate dedication to the students, with a morning tea, some special gestures, and sincere acknowledgement, for the significant contribution to the education and lives of our students. It's a great honour and privilege to be working alongside such a remarkable team of teachers. THANK YOU!
I encourage families to express your gratitude with the teachers that support your children, as they learn, grow, play and develop.
School Counsellor
Wembley PS was given a Federal Funding Mental Health and Wellbeing Boost. As a result we decided to build upon our wellbeing workforce and appoint a School Counsellor.
We advertised, shortlisted, interviewed, and are proud to share that we have appointed a school counsellor, named Kelly Edwards. Kelly has worked as a teacher, and has most recently worked for Headspace for the past 8 years. She is also a local and has a 4 year old daughter named, Piper.
Kelly will begin working with us on Monday 23 October and will work two days, on Mondays and Wednesdays. We are working through Kelly's case load and will be in contact with families of students that would benefit from support with Kelly.
Welcome to Wembley PS, Kelly!
2024 Prep Transition
We have accepted 99 wonderful prep enrolments for 2024. We have hosted prep meetings the past two weeks and it has been lovely meeting and greeting our littlest incoming Wembley students; some students are siblings of current students and are very familiar with all things Wembley, and other students and families are joining Wembley PS for the very first time.
Later this year we will host a prep parent information session, whole class transition session and prep family gathering.
We thank Joel Magnabosco, together with Lindsey Delooze and Hannah Tabart, for leading this process.
School Review - Validation Day
All Victorian Government Schools, engage in a school review every four years, to reflect on the last School Strategic Plan, and set goals for the next School Strategic Plan.
We thank the parents that completed the survey last term feeding into school improvement, and the staff and students that have provided feedback in the form of focus groups and surveys.
On Wednesday 11 October, we hosted our Validation Day which is the first day, of our school review process. It was a great day of reflection, celebration and forward mapping.
Members of the Executive Leadership Team, together our School Council President, Beck Thomas, Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL) Natalie Bakai, Challenge Partners, Sarah Nightingale (Principal, North Melbourne Primary School), Rebecca McMahon (Assistant Principal, Moonee Ponds Primary School), and our school reviewer Di Matheson attended.
Capital Building Works - ETA July 2024
Our capital works project is now progressing well, and we will be moving into the building in Term 3, 2024.
All the bored piers have been completed. The first slab pour will occur next week, on Friday 27 November.
The VSBA (Victorian Schools Building Authority) and construction team will do a letter box drop to residents in Wembley Avenue, Hawkhurst Street nd St Leonards Avenue. They are asking that no cars are parked on Hawkhurst Street and Wembley Avenue on Friday 27 November from 7:00am-3:30pm, as continuous cement trucks arrive in formation. The roads will not be closed but there will be delays. We are asked to park in neighbiuring streets, ride and/or walk to school. More information regarding traffic management will be shared with our community next week.
NO HAT, NO PLAY - Sun Smart - Hats for Term One and Term Four.
A reminder that all students are required to wear their broad brimmed hats for outdoor activities, this includes recess, lunch and physical education lessons. Students without hats will be required to refrain from play, and stay in the shaded areas of the school-No Hat, No Play. Sun screen is also available for our students, however they are welcome to BYO and apply sunscreen at school. Students will be required to wear their hats from all term when involved in outdoor activities or outdoor recess, in line with our sunsmart policy. Students will have a grace period for week one of term whilst they dust their hats off, however from next week all students will be required to wear a broad brimmed school hat.
Our teachers are currently beginning the process of forming 2024 classes.
During the next two weeks, beginning Monday 9 October, children will have the opportunity to nominate 5 students who they would like to have in their class in 2024. This is an opportunity for them to have authentic agency within our class allocation process, however, we ask for students and families to think carefully about other students they would like to be placed with, considering those they work well with and have positive relationships with.We will ensure that each student will be placed in a 2024 class with at least one of their choices. If you wish to discuss potential friendship choices with your child/ren prior to them being asked to nominate other students, please do so before next week.
We understand that this may appear early to consider this, however our planning requires us to begin class formations to plan for student handover in advance and finalise our staffing/workforce plan.
Should parents have further information around your child’s learning needs for 2024, that your child’s teacher is not aware of, please put this in writing for consideration by Friday 20 October. Please email any information to the school email account, wembley.ps@education.vic.gov.au and address to the ‘Principal class team’. Please state your child’s name and year level for 2024. Your email will be acknowledged as received and the information that you provide will be taken into consideration.
Our teachers are committed to creating an environment where your child can thrive and reach their full potential. We appreciate your trust in our knowledge and judgement when it comes to selecting the most suitable class for your child's learning needs.
It's that time of year when the leadership team begin working through 2024 planning, class structures and recruitment processes. As we begin the planning process for 2024, we would appreciate parents notifying the school if your child/ren will not be returning to Wembley Primary School in 2024, as soon as possible.
Please contact the school office on 9314 7054, or alternatively on wembley.ps@education.vic.gov.au to inform us if your child/ren will not be returning to Wembley PS.
We remind students and parents that students are not to contact one another during school hours via their smart watches. We remind parents to contact the office if they have messages to pass on to their child during school hours and it'll be passed on via the office and classroom teacher/s. If your child contacts you, we ask that you don't respond and contact the office or your child's teacher to check in.
We have noticed that some students have not been wearing full school uniform. Teachers have been reminding students to ensure that they wear uniform every day with the exception of if/when they are attending a school sports day. Please ensure that your child/ren is wearing full school uniform, at all times. We also remind parents about the pre-loved clothing rack, and lost property, which can be found in the main school building near the office.
Well done to our students, staff members and parents who have attended and supported the various sporting events. We are very proud of our students for their teamwork, resilience and effort! Please visit the student celebration tab of our newsletter, and our social media pages for photo highlights.
Please find us on Instagram at: @wembleyps4788
And via our official Facebook Page: Wembley Primary School (link here)