Student Celebrations

Celebrating many things that our students have achieved

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.



PAHenry PFor showing a passion for learning and a growth mindset when working with 3 digit numbers during place value activities. Keep up the great work, Henry!
PBEmiko SFor your insightful reflections when revisiting our school rules and values this week. Emiko, your knowledge and understanding was shown in the incredible writing and illustrations you created throughout this week! What a star, well done! 
PCAva BFor your incredible and detailed writing about the Wembley School Rules. Ava, I am always so proud of the way you demonstrate these rules. You should be so proud of yourself, your writing is amazing! 
PDWill DFor the fantastic efforts that he has made this week identifying and demonstrating the school values. Will, it has been wonderful to listen to you explain the ways that you are showing inclusion and respect in class. You should be so proud of your efforts! Well done!
PEDelta RFor your happy and positive attitude this week.  It was so nice to see your positive attitude towards all tasks shining through after a successful writing lesson on Monday.  Well done and keep up the amazing mindset!
1AReeva PFor making a wonderful start to Wembley Primary School. You have been the perfect addition to our classroom making it feel complete! Well done on making so many wonderful new friends in such a short amount of time and always displaying our school values of respect and resilience in the classroom. Keep up the great efforts, Reeva!
1BArcher A For working so hard in all areas of school, Archer’s capacity to give his best effort is something he should be very proud of. Archer’s reading is improving every day and I’m very proud of him. Go Arch!
1CHarley P For his wonderful efforts in class this week. You continue to model our school values of showing respect on the floor, listening to the speaker and helping others in class, supporting them in understanding tasks. Keep up the great work, Harley!
1DChase SFor your resilience and persistence when completing your Elmer activities this week. Chase, you took on the challenge and self regulated even when you found the task difficult. You are a 1D superstar!
2AHayley MFor her consistent dedication to her learning and modeling the Wembley Values in everything she does. Hayley, you always seek to achieve your goals, reflect on your learning and you are amazing support to your peers.  Keep up your wonderful work!
2BLucas FFor supporting his peers and being a wonderful friend!  Well done Lucas, amazing work supporting and guiding your peers during a difficult math task!  Keep up the incredible work! 
2CHamish GFor showing incredible bravery and resilience during our excursion to the Sun Theatre! Hamish what an awesome achievement. You took a challenge on head first and showed great courage. What an achievement buddy! 
2DHazel MFor demonstrating an excellent attitude towards learning. Hazel, you consistently apply your best effort to all that you do, and share wonderful ideas and facts with our class. Keep up the terrific work!
3AIsaac PFor a wonderful start to Term 4, demonstrating enthusiasm for your learning. Isaac, you consistently display and model our school values, proving that you are a true role model to your peers.Keep up the great effort and I cannot wait to see what you can achieve throughout the rest of the year!
3BAria AFor your hard work and resilience this week. Aria, you have used all your strategies this week to calmly settle back into term 4 and it has helped you to show your best work! Well done superstar, I look forward to seeing you make term 4 your best yet! 
3CMackenzie DFor settling into the first week back of school so well. Well done on continuously putting in 100% effort in your learning. I am very proud of you this week, you have shown amazing resilience! Keep up the great work Mackenzie. 
3DStephanie LFor being a wonderful friend and great leader in our classroom. Stephanie, you are a caring, empathetic peer who continuously supports us with a smile. Thank you Stephanie for being part of our grade! 
4AJack NFor the amazing effort you have put into our Maths unit on multiplication and division. You have been practicing different strategies and using your multiplication knowledge to help you solve division problems. Well done Jack!
4BArjun SFor a sensational piece of holiday writing that was filled with craft such as noun group phrases, strong verbs, similies, alliteration and personification. Arjun, I was so impressed with your writing that we are using your piece as a mentor text, next week. Congratulations and keep up the amazing work, you are such a great author!
4CHazel DFor continuously coming into our classroom with a positive attitude towards your learning and a growth mindset. Hazel, your enthusiasm for learning and challenging yourself by choosing to take on harder tasks to grow your skills is outstanding. Thank you for bringing your infectious positive mindset into 4C. We are so proud of you!
4DAustin M​​For your amazing attitude towards school. You have become such a positive and enthusiastic student! I absolutely love your creativity and your humour. You always make 4D students laugh and I hope you continue to have fun at school and make others happy. Thank you for bringing so much joy to our classroom, Bugsly!
5AOlivia P

A couple of reasons, Liv!

For consistently behaving and interacting in a respectful and courteous way when speaking with teachers and peers. And also for being a supportive, empathetic and caring friend. Great work!

5BHamish MFor always being an amazing role model to those around you and for being such a super star in 5B. You always try your best and give one hundred percent to your learning. We are so proud of you Hamish! Keep up the great work!
5CAmelie TFor an outstanding year of effort and achievement. Your relentless pursuit to achieve your highest levels of learning has been inspirational to see. Well done Amelie on an incredible year!
5/6ACharlotte AFor always showing respect and being a courteous student. Her kind and caring nature has helped to create a positive learning environment where her peers feel safe and welcomed. Well done Charlotte!
6AOscar CFor a great effort in completing all of his learning tasks to a high standard. Oscar, you have been leading the way in terms of focusing during independent learning time and ensuring all of your set tasks are completed. Well done, and keep up the great work!
6BOliver FFor showing respect in the clasroom on our first week back. Ollie, you are showing leadership by reminding others of the right thing to do and leading by example. Keep up the great work!
6CLachlan FFor continually displaying resilience and using a growth mindset when faced with new challenges. Lachy, your determination to gain the most from your education is outstanding. Keep it up legend!


PAJude WFor working hard to improve his handwriting when using his new lined book. Congratulations on your amazing handwriting, Jude! 
PBAubrey CFor your forever insightful contributions to class conversations! We all love to hear what you have to say in Prep B, your suggestions and ideas are always relevant and helpful to our discussion. Keep up the great work Aubrey! 
PCLillian VFor the amazing initiative you take during your independent work. Lillian, I am so impressed by the way you use the resources around the room to support you in your learning. Keep up the amazing work! 
PDHugo TFor his amazing determination and stamina when writing. Hugo, you put great thought into how you can make your writing more interesting for the reader, and you are consistently using a capital letter and full stop in your sentences. Well done!
PERoman BFor setting a wonderful example for your peers in and out of the classroom.  You have gone above and beyond in recent weeks, making sure you are showing the expected behaviours whilst helping your peers to do the same.  Well done and keep up the brilliant attitude!
1ASophie SFor her wonderful efforts when writing a persuasive piece on which season she believes is the best. You were able to understand the structure of a persuasive piece and reflected upon your audience when writing. Keep up the great work, Sophie!
1BTahlia LFor her magnificent reading this week, Tahlia has been working hard at home and at school and her reading is improving each day. Go Tahlia!
1CEleanor HFor her amazing writing persuading her audience that Autumn is the best season. Eleanor, I love the way you created an image in your readers mind of why Autumn is amazing. Keep up the fantastic writing!
1DChristos KFor your amazing effort when writing your persuasive text about which season is the best. You showed that you understand how to persuade your audience and were focused on your task. Well done Christos, you are a 1D superstar! 
2AXavier PFor his amazing work in Maths.  Xavier, you are always so enthusiastic in our Maths lessons which is also reflected in your wonderful work! You consistently show excellent understanding of all our Maths concepts.  What a superstar!
2BAria SFor your consistently impressive classroom manner!  Well done Aria, you are a role model for 2B in all that you do.  Your behaviour, your approach and your dedication to your learning is inspiring.  Keep up the incredible work!  
2DIsla OFor consistently showing excellent effort and behaviour at school. Isla, you always strive to do your best, in all areas of learning, and produce fabulous work. You have set a fantastic example for our class all year, and have been a kind and considerate helping hand to your peers. Well done superstar!
3AAri MFor your positive attitude towards your learning this week. Ari, you’ve consistently shown up, worked hard and committed to engaging in your learning. I’ve been incredibly proud of your efforts in both writing and time, taking on a leadership role in SMART words and following instructions. 
3BIvy CFor always showing the Wembley values, working hard, showing kindness and displaying leadership. Ivy, you have worked so hard this week creating your buddy writing, and you have been supportive and kind to everyone you have encountered in both the classroom and in the yard. 3B are very lucky to have you! Well done Ivy! 
3CAlexandria RFor consistently showing Wembleys values and working daily towards achieving your goals. You are always on task and showing your best listening skills. Thank you for being a great role model in our class of 3C. Keep up the amazing work Alexandria!
3DLennox MFor his fantastic efforts when completing his math work. Lenny, you always challenge yourself and show consistent effort when completing your work. Well done Lenny,  keep up your positive mindset! 
4AIndia-Rose MFor settling into a new term as well as a new school so well! You have been working hard to get to know others in the class, making new friends and learning our classroom routines and expectations. Well done India-Rose!
4BNicholas CFor working very hard to learn his timestables and as a result is having so much success in our Multiplication and Division unit. Well done Nicholas, your hard work is paying off! 
4CJesse CFor putting sensational effort into your learning this week. Jesse, you have pushed yourself to do the right thing even when those around you were not, which has paid off and allowed you to create some hiqh quality pieces of work. Well done! 
4DArlo CFor your amazing dedication to your learning and to your classmates. You have made awesome efforts to push yourself with your learning and always try your very best. I'm also so amazed at how you are able to help and support your classmates inside and outside the classroom too. You are an absolute superstar, Arlo!
5AHolly MFor your awesome effort, work and leadership in our reading groups. Holly, the example that you are setting for your group has been awesome - you are not only developing your own reading skills, but also helping others develop theirs. Great stuff! 
5BLana BFor your incredible effort with your Mathematics and BODMAS questions this week. Well done Lana! We are so proud of you. 
5CJude CFor being an amazing Wembley student! Good luck on your big adventure to London. Your 5C friends will miss you. Farewell Jude.
5/6ASadie OFor modelling a wonderful attitude toward learning and challenging herself in Maths this week. Sadie used her academic strengths to support others, which created a positive and encouraging environment within the classroom. Super effort!
6AJames MFor showing determination in achieving your learning goals in the recent weeks. James, you have done a great job this term, consistently demonstrating an improvement in your punctuality and effort in the classroom. Keep up the great work!
6BGiaan WFor being a role model for respect in our classroom! Giaan, you have been a volunteer at every opportunity to keep our class running smoothly. Thank you for everything you do.
6CMiles DFor your ongoing determination to further challenge yourself. Miles, your dedication as a lifelong learner is something to be admired. Keep it up legend!


On 31 September 2023, two of our Wembley students, Claire (Year 6) and Amelie (Year 4) participated in the before-game performance for the AFL grand final with KISS.


We started rehearsals on the Friday that school ended. In that first rehearsal, we were placed in either one of the two side pods or the front pod. The dance teacher told us that she would place us depending on our rock faces and stage presence. At the end of the rehearsal, it was revealed that we were in the front pod.


A few rehearsals later, it was performance day. All the kids were lined up in the hall under the MGC that the footy players ran out from. At the end of the song ‘Shout It Out Loud’, we started running onto the field. All 500 dancers were excited and a bit nervous. As the song ‘I Wanna Rock and Rock All Night’ came on we started the run onto the stage. (Claire and I were on the stage with KISS.) As our cue to start dancing happened we shut out the crowd and started dancing our hearts out. We flipped our hair and played the air guitar like crazy.


After the song was about to end we sprinted out of the stadium right into the busses. (They had to take the stage out from the exit we were using).


On the bus ride home, we laughed and chatted. All the kids with phones watched the game. By the time we got back to MAPA, the scores were 12 nil, Collingwood.


By Amelie


Hi, my name is Claire, and I performed at the MCG for the AFL grand final with KISS a rock band. Out of all the songs we did ‘Rock And Roll All Night’.


It was such a great experience for me and my sister. I feel like I learned a life lesson to never back down even tho you might be scared or nervous, even though I got nervous on the day I went for it and in my opinion I did a great job. I think that if you treasure the big and small things you do you will always remember and enjoy having the memory forever, you also might learn a lifelong lesson to always go for it and anything that you put your mind to is possible.


By Claire

Student Newsletter acknowledgements


We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.