Junior School, South Plympton

Articles on this page:

  • Tournament of Minds Year 5 Team win State Competition
  • Hahndorf Farm Barn Adventure
  • Student Led Conferences
  • Henny Penny Hatching with the Foundation Students 
  • Save the date

Year 5 Team Triumphs at Tournament of Minds State Competition

We are thrilled to announce that our Year 5 South Plympton team has emerged as champions, securing the first-place position in the Language Literature category at the prestigious Tournament of Minds State Competition!


Read the full article

Hahndorf Farm Barn Adventure🐄🐐🦎

On Friday 1 September, our Foundation students excitedly ventured to the Hahndorf Farm Barn for a hands-on educational experience. This annual excursion is always a highlight for our youngest students as they hop on the bus and head to the hills. Through learning first-hand how to care for a range of animals on a farm, they have continued to build on their learning outcomes for their Science Unit, 'Staying Alive'. 


The students were excited to be up-close-and-personal with bottle-feeding baby lambs, patting calves, guinea pigs, rabbits and chickens, as well as feeding goats, horses and chickens. 


Inside the Barn, students watched Daisy the cow being milked and were captivated by the Australian reptile presentation. Students also had fun outside feeding and observing various animals including a hungry alpaca, a happy donkey, an inquisitive emu, sheep, deer and even a beautiful peacock showing off its array of feathers. 


Although exhausted after a big day out, the students had an unforgettable and fun experience along with the parent helpers and staff team. Thank you to our parent volunteers for supporting the day! 


Student Led Conferences

The annual Student Led Conference is a highlight of the Calendar for our Year 1-6 students.  Each student prepared a presentation that showcased their learning to present to their parents. Although this may be a daunting experience for some students, it was wonderful to observe how many of them confidently showcased their work to their attentive and proud parents.


Parents were encouraged to participate in many activities such as: Tangram Maths Challenges, Choose Your Own Adventure stories, Science experiments, viewing paper mache animals, and listening to recorder recitals, to name a few.


What a valuable experience for both students and their parents! Thank you to our parents for your supportive partnership with us in creating positive and rewarding learning experiences for your child. 


Caroline Wicks

Curriculum Coordinator (Year 3-6)


Henny Penny Hatching with the Foundation Students 🐣

Our Foundation students recently welcomed some extremely cute feathery friends into their classrooms thanks to the Henny Penny Hatching program. Fertilised eggs were brought into Miss Herrmann’s Foundation classroom and the students had the opportunity to care for them as they grew. When the adorable chicks hatched, our students not only experienced the wonders of nature, up close but also learned about responsibility, empathy, and the importance of caring for living creatures. 

Save the date next term

  • Friday 20 October: F-2 Sports Day 
  • Friday 27 October: Year 2 Sleepover