Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

Hamdan PACFor an amazing sharetime presentation on lions! He shared lots of interesting and engaging facts in a fun way. Great job.
Eredin PAKFor his well prepared and informative share time presentation on wolves. Well done!
Haana PBDFor an enthusiastic sharetime presentation on rabbits. You spoke clearly and confidently. Great effort, Haana!
Audrey PLBFor always setting a high standard of behaviour and demonstrating all school values. Fantastic work, Audrey!
Matilda 1JSFor her wonderful positive attitude towards new learning. Your determination and effort are seen by all, Matilda! 
Henry 1JMFor being a great example of the School Values and taking on learning tasks with a growth mindset. Superb effort!
Remi 1LEFor the amazing enthusiasm you display for learning new things and sharing information with the class. 
Eddie 1LLFor always being an inclusive and respectful part of our class. Well done, Eddie!
Ari 1MMFor being such a helpful member of our class. You work hard to make sure your table is tidy everyday. Well done, Ari!
Evie 2BLFor demonstrating great focus and enthusiasm when working on our “Under the Sea” knowledge unit. Wonderful effort! 
June 2CWFor the personal best effort she has shown in writing this week. Your note taking about Blue Whales is fantastic!
Darcy 2DKFor the way you have used feedback in reading sessions. It's great to see you becoming more successful at using different texts. Well done!
Harper 2MMFor her positive attitude towards learning and for always working incredibly hard to give her personal best. Well done, Harper!
Ash 2TFFor demonstrating the value of belonging by supporting his friends in challenging situations. Well done, Ash!
Louis 3KTFor using engaging vocabulary in his information report on Halloween. Excellent work, Louis!
Tomas 3MPFor having a growth mindset during mathematics tasks. Well done!
Alex 3TMFor applying a growth mindset to your writing tasks. Thank you for putting in so much effort, Alex!
Isabella 3TNFor showing resilience by applying a growth mindset when faced with challenging work tasks. Wonderful effort, Issy!
Mai 4AFFor consistently engaging in learning opportunities with full energy and enthusiasm.
Oskar 4CMFor your positive attitude towards learning and consistently displaying our school values of resilience and respect.
Aarushi 4MKFor your positive attitude towards learning and always applying your personal best effort to all activities. Keep it up, Aarushi!
Sophie 5LWFor being a respectful and helpful member of 5LW. 
Julian 5HTFor being a helpful member of our class. You have put in effort to ensure the room is tidy and you are always helping others out.
Sophie 5RCFor her amazing leadership in class and creating a safe and supportive environment! Great work, Sophie!
Ella 5TCFor her positive attitude towards her school work and offering to help others. Amazing work, Ella!
Minah6KRFor supporting others to respectfully explore diversity in our community and sharing her knowledge of language and culture.
Romy 6MAFor putting in a consistently strong effort to deepen her understanding in Maths. Keep it up, Romy!
Gretel 6MIFor explaining the Electoral College voting system in the U.S. to your peers during eating time. Very impressive, Gretel! 
Miles 6MPFor consistently working productively and demonstrating a positive attitude towards your learning. Well done, Miles!
Isabelle in 5HTPrincipals' AwardFor always showing kindness to others and approaching life with a cheerful smile. You are a joy to see in the yard!
Thomas in PLBTheirCareFor his kindness, helping to pack up, and for always wearing his brightest smile when attending TheirCare. Well done, Thomas!
Isaac in 2MMSpecialist AwardFor being a responsible learner in Italian. You are always curious and enthusiastic. Well done, Isaac!