Wellbeing & Inclusion News

Starting / Returning to Primary School: The Early Weeks
Here are things you can do to help the first few weeks back at primary school go smoothly.
School drop-offs and pick-ups
- Try to drop off your child at school before the bell goes in the morning. When your child isn’t rushed in the morning, it’s easier for them to settle into the school day.
- If your child is worried about being separated from you, you could look for ways to distract your child at school drop-off. For example, you could try meeting a friend at the gate or walking to school with another child and parent.
- Try to pick up your child on time at a regular meeting spot. This can help your child feel secure. And if you’re early for pick-up, it gives you the chance to meet other parents and makes organising playdates easier.
At school
- Try not to expect too much academic progress too soon. If your child is happy and seems to be enjoying school, that’s a real achievement. The rest will come later.
- Remember that it’s common for children to play with many different children and to play on their own sometimes. It can take a while before they settle into a group of friends.
- Communicate with your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible if your child doesn’t seem to be settling well or if there’s something else important that you need to discuss.
After school
- Make after-school time a bit special, with a snack and time for you and your child to chat.
- Be patient if your child tells you every detail about school or clams up completely. You could try saying something like, ‘Tell me one good thing about your day’, rather than asking a lot of questions.
- Be flexible with snacks and meals. Your child will probably be very hungry after school. If you give your child a small, healthy snack straight after school, it’ll help to keep them going until dinner.
- If your child is tired after school, let your child rest and play at home for a few weeks until they’re ready for playdates and after-school activities.
- Check your child’s bag for school notes, forms and information. Our school also has Compass posts with newsletters and information about events, excursions and other school activities.
Taken from raisingchildren.net.au
Sun Protection at FWPS
A reminder to our families to please provide each child with their own SPF 50+ sunscreen.
Reminder posters and announcements are given. Staff are unable to apply sunscreen to individual students so please practice supporting children to do this independently at home. Please refer to our Sun Protection Policy on our website: https://www.fwps.vic.edu.au/uploaded_files/media/sun_protection_policy.pdf