Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

Wesley 1JIFor displaying respect towards others and classroom expectations. What a fantastic start to year one. Superb Wesley!
Raff 1LEFor settling into grade one so smoothly - you are a great listener who follows instructions.
Ted 1LJFor showing respectful listening to your classmates. Well done on a great start to the year Ted!
Daisy 1MMFor consistently being a respectful listener in class as well as a kind and helpful friend. Well done Daisy!
Mihail 2AMFor settling into Grade 2 with ease, always showing respect and lending a helping hand to your classmates when they need.
Angela 2BGFor always showing respect by being an attentive listener and a caring and kind classmate. Thank you Angela.
Mohammed 2CWFor consistently showing respect and kindness to his teachers and peers. Well done on a great start to Grade 2 Mohammed!
Brayden 2EPFor consistently showing kindness and consideration, ensuring everyone in 2EP has a chance to share their ideas. Well done!
Lena 2TNFor always demonstrating respect towards your teacher and classmates by listening attentively. Well done Lena. 
Freddie 3CGFor showing respect to all members of 3CG by truly listening to others and focusing his attention! Brilliant effort Freddie! 
Maya 3DMFor showing resilience towards working with new people and contributing the 3DM learning community. Keep it up Maya!
Ida 3MPFor consistently modelling respectful and attentive listening when prompted. Well done, Ida! 
Astrid 3TMFor settling into the new school year and a new school with ease. Astrid, we are lucky to have you at FWPS!
Ari 4CLFor consistently sharing your ideas in our class discussions and trying your best across all subject areas.
Athieng 4LWFor her diligence when completing her classroom job. You're a star Athieng.
Jude 4MKFor being a responsible member of 4MK. Congratulations on a fantastic start to the year Jude!
Jack 4TFFor treating all of his new classmates with respect and care. Great start to Grade 4, Jack! 
Matilda 5DWFor your willingness to help when organising class displays. Your enthusiasm is much appreciated. Thank you, Matilda!
Ari 5HLFor demonstrating all the values. Well done on a great start to Grade Five!
Imogen 5TCFor regularly contributing to our classroom discussions and showing effort to improve her writing. Great start to the year!
Jai 6MAFor demonstrating the value of belonging by forming meaningful connections with new classmates and teachers. Amazing job!
Monty 6MIFor a successful start to the year. You've tackled every task with positivity and demonstrate our values well. Keep it up, Monty! 
Izzy 6MLFor consistently demonstrating the school values and positively contributing to our class. Fantastic start to the year, Izzy!
Miski in 3TMPrincipal's AwardFor showing courteous and respectful behaviour when walking to and from class with a partner.
Lucy in 3DMTheirCareFor always using her initiative to help during pack-up time and her willingness to assist others when needed! Well done Lucy!
Zoe in 2BGSpecialist AwardFor displaying resilience and belonging in music classes by joining and being so helpful in a new school. Well done Zoe!