Our Faith - Religion - Prayer
St Patrick's Church Walcha
For Baptism or Marriage enquiries phone Monsignor Ted Wilkes 67784070.
Monsignor Ted Wilkes would like to invite parishioners to Sunday Mass 10am.
Term 3 Mass Dates
*Friday 6th September: Mass at 11.30am
*Friday 20th September: Mass and Blessed Exposition at 11.30am
On this day in 1997, Mother Teresa died in Calcutta, India. Her holiness and her love for the poor were known all over the world. She made a solemn promise to give 'wholehearted and free service to the poorest of the poor'. She was declared a saint at this time in 2022.
Those who follow her are called Missionaries of Charity. They serve the sick and the dying who have no one else to care for them, bringing God's love to forgotten corners of crowded cities.
God our Father,
may all of life’s experiences
lead us to grow as people
who always put love
into all that we do.
May we live in such a way
that our attitude and words and actions
reflect to all people
their own value,
dignity and self-worth,
helping people to feel wanted
and appreciated
for who they are.
Celebration of Mass, tomorrow, Friday 6th September at 11.30am
All of the students and staff of St Patrick's will be celebrating Mass tomorrow, Friday 6th September commencing at 11.30am. Everyone is invited to join us for this special occasion.
First Reconciliation
Last week families of all eligible candidates for First Reconciliation received information concerning the preparation program that is set to begin shortly. The document detailed all relevant aspects of the program. Should you have any questions or inquiries regarding the Sacrament of First Reconciliation, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mr. Hyatt.
Sacrament Dates for 2024
2024 First Reconciliation: Date has been set for our Catholic students in Years 2 and 3 for Friday 1st November 2024.
Catherine McAuley
Catherine’s spirituality was centred on the mercy of God…prayer in action…action in prayer.