Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

Lenny1JMFor being a respectful classmate and demonstrating wonderful attentive listening during learning time. Superstar!
Otis1JSFor always contributing meaningful and enriching ideas towards our classroom discussions. Thank you for your insights!
Isaiah1LEFor great listening and trying his personal best. Well done.
Emily1LLFor the motivation and enthusiasm you show towards your learning. Well done, Emily!
Blake1MMFor being brave and demonstrating resilience and persistence this week during swimming. Great job Blake!
Sajid2BLFor being a great friend and always showing respect in any context.
Miranda2CWFor being a great role model at swimming. Keep up the great effort Miranda!
Illi2DKFor the positive start they have made to life as a class JSC rep. You are already confidently sharing with the grade and involving your classmates by seeking their ideas for the school. Great job!
Alfie2MMFor showing positivity and kindness throughout the day. You have had such a great start to the year. Well done, Alfie!
Jean2TFFor her fantastic attitude during swimming and consistently following rules and expectations in and out of the pool. Well done, Jean!
Jeremy3KTFor taking responsibility for his learning by putting in his personal best. Excellent effort, Jeremy!
Tomas3MPFor showing kindness and care towards others in the grade. You are a great role model!
Zach3TMFor always demonstrating the school value of respect by using lovely manners when communicating. Well done, Zach!
Goldie3TNFor applying personal best in your classwork. Great job Goldie!
Louie4AFFor having a growth mindset and giving his all at his first cross country trials. Well done, Louie!
Imogen4CMFor always sharing your excellent ideas with the class and your positive attitude towards learning.
Seb4MKFor your positive attitude and enthusiasm towards all class activities. Keep it up!
Lola5HTFor consistently demonstrating respect and kindness towards your peers. You're a star!
Hugo5LWFor his enthusiasm in all areas of the curriculum and his willingness to share his ideas.
Dhrubo5RCFor always contributing to class discussions, being a reliable classmate in group work and for challenging himself with each task. Amazing work Dhrubo! Well done!
Amelie5TCFor being inclusive and helping others feel like they belong in the classroom.
Ben6KRFor thriving when given additional responsibilities - including keeping time, leading the class as they walk through the school, and organising our learning area.
Charli6MAFor supporting her classmates and always putting forth her personal best. You make 6MA a better place to learn. Keep it up Charli!
Isobel6MIFor being such a resilient member of 6MI and always leading others by example. Your growth in confidence when public speaking is remarkable! Keep up the great work.
Edie6MPFor making a great start to the year with your homework. Keep it up!
Oliver Clark - 3MPTheirCareFor helping prep children feel welcomed and assisting them when coming to TheirCare. Well done, Oliver!!