Principal's report

Mr Steven O'Connor

Reconciliation Week

This week is Reconciliation Week, a week of commemoration and awareness raising, always from 27 May to 3 June to coincide with two key dates in our nation’s history – the 1967 Referendum and the High Court Mabo decision. 


Last Friday, our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, many of their families and our Year 8 students walked to Loreto College where we joined in a gathering to mark ‘Sorry Day’. The gathering was a positive expression from the three Catholic secondary schools in Ballarat – Loreto College, Damascus College and St Patrick’s – to their commitment to supporting the Indigenous students enrolled in our schools and working towards genuine reconciliation as a nation. 


Education is a key factor in achieving this and I continue to be incredibly proud of the progress that we make in this important area. There is still a lot of work to be done and working with our young people – both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and non-Indigenous Australians – is an important starting point. 


On Sunday evening, our boarding community, which proudly includes a number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, gathered for our annual Mass and dinner to commence Reconciliation Week here at the College. This is always a tremendous community event and gathering. 


The vision of the College’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) states that we aim ‘to be a culturally safe, culturally rich and culturally proud school, engaging in authentic change to cultivate learning opportunities for, with and about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families.' 


The theme for Reconciliation Week in 2024 is ‘Now More Than Ever’ and this encourages and reminds us that the work towards genuine and lasting reconciliation must continue, despite the disappointment and setbacks. ‘Now more than ever, the work continues. In treaty making, in truth-telling, in understanding our history, in education, and in tackling racism. We need connection. We need respect. We need action. And we need change.  

Now more than ever, we need reconciliation’.

Student Opportunities

Year 10 students during their one night of homelessness experience at the College.
Year 10 students during their one night of homelessness experience at the College.

Term 2 continues to be very busy and to provide our students with a broad range of opportunities inside and out of the classroom. Last week, the Year 10 students experienced a night of homelessness at the College as part of our education and awareness raising around justice and solidarity issues. It was good to visit some of the Year 10s during the night. It was a cold night and so they were challenged in this sense. Homelessness continues to be a significant social issue and it is important for our boys to be aware of this as they enter into their adult lives. 


It is pleasing to see the ‘Liam Duggan Academy’ up and running as part of the College’s football program. The approaches towards the Academy reflect our strong commitment to the importance of respect in our young men and always acting and behaving appropriately and respectfully. These values underpin our football program and it is pleasing to see them being promoted so strongly as part of the Liam Duggan Academy. 


This weekend many of our musicians will participate in a Music Camp and I wish them all the very best for this. The standard of performance across our ensembles and individual musicians continues to increase and rise strongly. I am very excited about what is happening in our creative and performing arts and the opportunities which are being taken up so well by an increasing number of students! 


As we approach the end of the term, a number of important assessment tasks and exams are being prepared for students in Years 7-11. These assessment items are important in the educational journey of our students and I encourage them to begin revision and study programs in preparation for these tasks. If students need some assistance or guidance about how best to prepare for assessment tasks or exams, I encourage them to approach their subject teachers and/or Homeroom teachers for guidance. 

Parents & Friends meeting

The College is actively seeking to re-establish and develop Parents & Friends working groups to support a range of co-curricular activities and events at the College.

As part of this exciting initiative, you are warmly invited join us on Monday 24 June at 10.30am in the Performing Arts Centre to share your ideas in a collaborative and inclusive environment. 


Parents & Friends working groups offer a wonderful opportunity to engage with fellow parents and caregivers, while actively contributing to the College community. Your involvement and support are invaluable to us and participants do not require prior experience. 


If you cannot make the meeting but would like to be involved in a Parents & Friends working group, please email to register your interest. Otherwise, please click on the button below to book your attendance. We look forward to seeing you there!