Principal's report

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff, Students, and Community members of MPWPS

Only one more week before the Japanese tour heads off, and only one more full week of school for this term!  As we approach the end of the semester that means written reports and portfolios home to you. Please take time to explore your child’s learning by reading the written report, and then seeing the evidence of learning growth in the portfolio. Whilst the written reports are comprehensive, they are BIG.  Several years ago the Department of Education encouraged schools to move away from the big report format, to one that is more concise and supported by continuous reporting.  Some schools went digital at that stage. Perhaps it is time for us to follow this path? I will be asking the Education Committee of School Council and staff to explore some different ways of presenting the written report and maybe even in an accepted digital form.  The consultation will be part of our work for Semester 2. In the meantime look for the written report and portfolio at the end of this week; home on Friday.

Three-Way Conferences in Term 3

We will be conducting Three-Way Conferences on July 25. This will be a Reporting Day, and takes one of our Curriculum Days for the year.  The conferences will run from 8.30am - 7.00pm. We are intending to open the bookings in Week 10, so please check your teacher’s availability, as there will be blocked times for meals and some mandated First Aid training.  We will be placing the blocked times in what have been  ‘low traffic’ times in the past.   No children will be attending on this day, and as it is a Curriculum Day, Camp Australia will be offering care if there is enough interest. Please contact them if you require care.

Parent Rep Meeting

This Wednesday at 9.10 in the Staffroom.  I will have the coffee ready! Can’t attend not to worry we will send the Minutes to you.  The agenda is forming around the following:

  • Getting to know each other
  • What have you been doing thus far?
  • Let’s look at the role and adjust if needed. Links to the teacher’s survey.
  • What skills do you need?
  • Any Other Business?

With the holidays approaching it could be a great idea to choose a time and place for a Play Date for your families and maybe the teacher!  It is terrific to have almost all the classes covered. Well done to our parents!  See you Wednesday.

Lost Property

Thank-you to our diligent parents and allocated Education Support Staff, who have been managing this important task.  Parents we still have children who drop and run leaving their clothing all over the oval, classes, gym and other sundry places.  We had a black garbage bag full of wet jumpers left outside in the rain.  These  required laundering before being returned to the Lost Property collection. A lot of work for a small and dedicated group.  We will be hanging up the items on the inside fence over the next days, so please encourage your child to have a look.  It is great to re-find an item so get them to rejoice and welcome it back to the family!

Sensory Garden Development

Last week we received the new drawings for the Sensory Garden project.  It is a combination of our consultation result, using our allocated grant to the max, and adding to the existing structures that are already in Jack’s paddock.  The main item is to rebuild the amphitheatre making an outdoor learning space and an attractive place for weekend use.  The structure has been drawn and engineered so that no expensive building permit is required.  The drawings also denote some new paths and areas.  In order to complete this wonderful new space, we will require community assistance with garden bed building and planting but that will be fun and will enable the children to really get dirty in the project.  I will put the most recent drawing in the Community Noticeboard near the platform. Stay tuned for when you can help.

Community Partnerships Sub Committee

A reminder that the first meeting of the Community Partnerships Sub Committee will be held this Thursday at 4 pm in Kerri’s  office. All welcome.

Friendship Chair

The Alannah and Madeline Foundation support a school yard strategy known as a Friendship Bench. Such a strategy supports children who may be at school without their friend, or are separated from friends during play.  It is really a place to meet. Such a strategy is preventative and worthy of a place in our school yard. I will be asking the Engagement Team to explore this concept for MPWPS.  In the meantime as a trial, we have placed a seat on the platform as our makeshift Friendship Bench.  Let’s see if children use this as a meeting place.

Well I’m off to try to learn my Japanese speech (heaven help me!).  Until we meet in person have a great week.  Look out for my posts from the ‘Land of the Rising Sun’.  These will be on COMPASS from time to time.

Have a happy and safe holiday.


Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting at Moonee Ponds West PS)