Education News 


In term two the 5/6 team focused on DCT – Design, Creativity and Technology.

After watching Caine’s Arcade, a clip about a boy named Caine who created an arcade in East L.A. from cardboard boxes, students collaborated and used the design process to make their own arcade game.

Monday 23rd July, Rooms 14 and 15 opened their arcade games to a buddy grade and each other for the first time. Students moved through the two classrooms playing the games and testing to see whether they were a hit or miss.


Here is one reflection from a 5/6 grade.

Overall, we worked really together as a group and if we had a disagreement when making our game, we always compromised.

The structure of the arcade game worked quite well but next time we would put pieces of cardboard on either side of the hoop to ensure the balls wouldn’t go everywhere. It lasted for over 40 uses (which was part of the assessment rubric) and people seemed to really enjoy our game. The majority of the items that we used were recyclable/reusable.

The instructions and the rules were clear and understandable. We received feedback that our game was easy to understand and the layout worked.

If we could go back and change something, we would not use glitter because it went everywhere, made it messy and it’s not great for the environment.

Here are some comments from the 2/3 buddy grade who helped test the arcade games.

The games were good. I think the effort they put in was really good. They worked well and looked good – Hamish


The arcade games were challenging. – Charlie

I really loved the space game. You could throw the ball inside the planets. I would like to do it more often. – Chiara


I thought all the arcade games were managed well. All the big kids read out the rules so we knew what to do and what not to do. – Philippa


The games were very exciting and challenging. Everyone had fun. – Mariam


The grade 5/6s made some big games. I scored lots of points – Carlos


It was very fun. I loved Swat the Fly. We had a minute to whack as many flies as we could – Callum


I thought the games were really good and they set them out well. My favourite was Swat a Fly. I liked getting points. They made some funny ads before we came over. - Jude