EAL Program

CMY Forum

Onel from Year 11 was invited to a CMY Forum in partnership with Monash University, VicHealth and AFL. Onel was invited to talk about his experience as  a refugee and how sport or EAL after school programs helped him with some of the challenges he experience/ed throughout his journey to Australia as a refugee.


By Onel David from Craigieburn Secondary College. 16 years old, from Syria

I wanted to show to everyone how important it is to be ambitious and determine to achieve your future dreams. My journey to Australia was an example, my family and I left Syria due to the war. We came to Australia to have a better and safer life.


Sport has always been a big part of my life, however through my journey to Australia I wasn’t able to participate in any sport activities due to financial hardship.


When I came to Australia all I wanted was an excellent education and be part of a sporting club. Craigieburn Secondary College's after-school recreational program provided me with the opportunity to practice in the sport that I love, soccer. Through that program I was introduced to other external service providers which supported me in getting a free membership at the Upfield Soccer Club.


I would just like to say, do your best, never give up and have the determination and you will achieve what you want.

After School Sport Activities

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The aim of the EAL recreational after school sport activities is to support EAL students  with their learning, positive wellbeing and social cohesion, it is every Wednesday from 3:15-4:30pm.