School Council

School Council Membership 2021/2022
Parent members:
- Ann Abramovic
- Matthew Cam
- Melanie Hunter
- Matthew Kenny
- Fiona Limoli
- Anna Poole
- Brian Stanley
- Laura Tripp
DET members:
- Kerri Simpson - Executive Officer
- Helen Lockart
- Jarrod Sutton
- Sandra Monaghan - School Council Secretary
School Council meeting report 23rd August 2021
It was a dark and stormy night, a cold COVID evening in August when school council met via WeBex. The Councillors were locked away in small dark rooms, under stairwells and cupboards with their devices charged propped up. Away from our family and loved ones, we discussed all things governance.
Kerri started us off with her Principal’s report.
Main areas of discussion and interest were:
- Student numbers projection for 2022 and school/grades structure
- Transitions for F/1 in November. Hopefully we’ll be able to have our new students attending these sessions (fingers crossed)
- Remote and flexible learning guidelines
- Onsite supervision of essential and vulnerable students
- Student wellbeing and engagement guidelines
- VSBA (Victorian School Building Authority) wanting our masterplan for future grounds and buildings improvement
- Staffing 2022, including (unfortunately) excess with Education Support staff
- Curriculum day that was meant to take place on 2nd September will be moved to Term 4
JSC (Junior School Council) also met and wondering which of these will go ahead in 2021;
- Book Week (Yes)
- Fun Run. Bree will make this decision based on government guidelines
- Show day.
- World’s Greatest shave
Next it was Resources turn to share all things pertaining to resources including financials and the budgets:
- We listened to Sandra give a thorough report on the June and July financial reports
- No fundraising has been possible because of the dreaded COVID time
- Camps Australia (after school program) contract to be reviewed and possibly to be put out for tender
- Flooring in the Library Building underwent testing prior to planned maintenance works
- Audit Results: Three successive Financial and Governance Audits from 2016 to 2021, have received the best rating available an exceptional result!. Well done to Sandra our Business Manager and the General Office team. The audit covers financial management, School Council governance, procurement and processes for internal control.
Environment Committee:
The Environment Committee were supposed to have had a Working Bee on August 1st, but alas this could not go ahead. No meeting was held.
Community Engagement:
Due to the lockdown situation and the demands on families at this time no meeting was held. We will resume in Term 4.
Finally it was Education Committee’s turn and the main point of discussion was around school uniform. The group set a survey, collected it and analysed the data. Additional information for clarification was required to reach a School Council decision. We will develop another opportunity to seek the opinion of the families of the school community on the issue of school uniform. Principal’s Note: The School Council is the body that makes the decision around compulsory uniform and the dress code.
Kerri opened the floor to families to share their personal stories around remote and flexible learning, lockdown and general wellbeing. Families spoke about the joys and the difficulties of this unique time. The big take away from the discussion is that if you need support or advice, please contact the school. If the discussion is around your child’s home learning, your child’s classroom teacher is the first port of call. If there are other issues that are more personal and need urgent attention, school leadership is available for you to contact. Please remember that this is a unique time and we need to look out for each other and be kind.
Regards and take care
Helen Lockart
School Councillor
Annual General Meeting 21st June 2021
On Monday 21st June Moonee Ponds West Primary held our Annual General meeting. At the meeting the school reported on the 2020 Annual report to the School Community. Please find attached the AGM presentation and the 2020 Annual Report to the School Community.
Sub Committee's 2021 - Expression of Interest
Are you interested in joining one of the School Council Sub Committees for 2021? Please find attached an Expression of Interest. You may return your Expression of Interest by email to the School Council Secretary @