update from Chris
Hello everyone,
Here is this week's newsletter. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.
This morning I had a productive Zoom meeting with the Minister for Education Natalie Hutchins and Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas and other principals from the Macedon electorate. Natalie was very interested to hear what is happening in schools including the challenges we face around funding and maintenance.
Building works
Bushfire safety works at the school will be beginning tomorrow. Workers will be onsite to upgrade the verandah at the rear of the main building. This area will not be accessible until late next week. Students in P/1 and 2/3 will need to use the doors on the other sideof the building to enter their classrooms.
Year 3/4 camp
The year 3/4 camp will be 21 to 23 August at Swan Hill. I will send home permission notes and further information shortly after I receive more information from the camp .
Swimming 28 August to 01 September
Swimming and water safety classes for the all students will take place each day from Monday 28 August to Friday 01 September. More information will be sent home shortly.
Curriculum Day Monday 11 September - no students at school
Monday the 11th of September will be a student free day to allow teachers to plan for term four
Fuel vouchers
We have been given some fuel vouchers by the Church of Christ, Castlemaine. If you would like one of the vouchers, please come and see me
Breakfast Club
Thank you to the people who have added their name to our Breakfast Club roster
We still have places available for more volunteers
Currently our Breakfast Club operates on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, but recently we have not had any volunteers on Monday and Tuesday.
To help us advertise the days Breakfast Club is available I have prepared a roster for term three that volunteers can add their names to.
Click on the below link to add your name to the roster and read more about Breakfast Club
All volunteers at the school are required to sign in at the office so we know who is on site in case of an emergency. We are also required to have a copy of a WWCC for all volunteers. Please see the office for more information.
Enrolments for 2024 and School Tours
Enrolments for all year levels for 2024 are open.
If you are enrolling for prep in 2024 and have not filled in an enrolment form, please do so asap.
We currently have capacity at all year levels. If you or anyone you know is looking to enrol at the best school around, let me know and I can set up a time for a school tour