Year 11 News

Year 11 students have settled into term 3 following a well-deserved mid-year break. We began the term with a student-led Year 11 assembly where students were encouraged to focus on their learning goals and strive to achieve their personal best. As they approach their final year of secondary school, Year 11 students are advised to consider their future careers and aspirations and seek support from the pathways team to set both short-term and long-term goals.











This term, we welcome our new Year 11 Pedagogy for Engagement Leader, Mr Will Sayers, to Craigieburn Secondary College. Mr Sayers brings a wealth of experience to this role and will be working with the Year 11 Co-Ordinators, Mr Michael Martin and Ms Vandana Pathania, to enrich the student experience of the Year 11 cohort. The Year 11 team is located in the Senior School and available to provide assistance and support to students and families.