
Amanda Willcocks (Prep A)              Support:  Chloe Connelly, Lisa Davison, Alex Biggs, 

Chloe McKay (Prep B)                        Kim Mavrogiannis (Ms. Mav), Nicole Morton                   

Sarah Lyall (Prep C)

Dear Prep Families,


We are delighted to welcome 56 amazing Prep students to Bundoora Primary School in 2023. Our newest and littlest learners attended their very first day of school on Friday 3rd February and have already impressed the rest of the BPS community with their confidence and enthusiasm. 


During the first few weeks of Term 1, our new Prep students are participating in a start-up program focusing on building important skills for learning. Some elements of this program include:

  • establishing and building peer relationships
  • learning to follow classroom routines.
  • understanding and demonstrating our school values
  • moving around the school environment safely
  • participating in team-based activities within the classroom
  • building resilience and independence
  • developing fine motor skills


Congratulations to all our new Prep students for making such a smooth transition to school. We can’t wait to see you continue to grow and thrive in 2023!