Big Write -Talk Homework


Big Write-Talk Homework 

Homework for Big Writes

Students will be given their topic the night before a Big Write. The children TALK with family, to gather ideas & language about the topic.

Parents can use the VCOP to assist with discussions. 

V - vocabulary and how to up-level words

C - different words to use when connecting ideas in a sentence

O - varied openers when starting sentences

P - can you use punctuation in your writing?  C . ? , ! " " Where do they go? 


Classes will be doing a Big Write in a fortnight cycle. 



• Help your child to think through and discuss initial ideas in order to develop the thought process.

• Engage your child in purposeful talk.

• Ask your child for their opinions

• Show that it is fine to have different views or opinion

• Develop your child’s vocabulary through the use of WOW words (really good “ambitious” vocabulary which is more sophisticated than normal spoken language)

• Stimulate your child’s creativity

• Encourage the use of Standard English with no slang or incorrect grammar. Children need to understand that the way we talk is different to the way we write.



• Encourage as many family members as possible to be involved in the Talking Homework

• Make it an enjoyable activity

• Switch off the television to try to ensure that this is dedicated talking and listening time

• Begin a conversation by modelling… “I think that… because …”

• Ask other family members to give their ideas, opinions and reasons why

• Encourage thinking about exciting words to use to make their writing more interesting.

“If they can’t say it, they can’t write it!”