From the Principal

Parent Teacher Interviews

Over the next few weeks the teachers would like to meet with parents for Parent Teacher Interviews  to discuss how students have settled into school and set individual goals for 2020. Mrs Pittman will email families with times available with your child's teacher. Please respond with your preferences and Mrs Pittman will confirm your interview time.

Year 5 /6 Parents Ms D'Arcy

Please keep Ms D'Arcy and her mother in your prayers. Ms D'Arcy has been called to Sydney to be with her mother who has been placed in palliative care due to a terminal illness.

Ms D'Arcy will be with her mother & father for the time being. Mrs Sarah-Jane Hoy will teach Year 5/6 Monday to Thursday for the next couple of weeks. I will keep you updated on when Mrs D'Arcy will be back. 

Big Write-Talk Homework 

How did your Big Write Talk Homework go this week with your children?

Every two weeks students will be given their topic the night before a Big Write. The children TALK with family, to gather ideas & language about the topic.

Parents can use the VCOP to assist with discussions. 

V - vocabulary and how to up-level words

C - different words to use when connecting ideas in a sentence

O - varied openers when starting sentences

P - can you use punctuation in your writing?  C . ? , ! " " Where do they go? 


• Encourage as many family members as possible to be involved in the Talking Homework

• Make it an enjoyable activity

• Switch off the television to try to ensure that this is dedicated talking and listening time

• Begin a conversation by modelling… “I think that… because …”

• Ask other family members to give their ideas, opinions and reasons why

• Encourage thinking about exciting words to use to make their writing more interesting.

“If they can’t say it, they can’t write it!”


Please see the Big Write Talk Homework page in the newsletter for more information.  

Walcha Show

Good luck to all of our children who have placed items in the show. When you visit the show this weekend keep an eye out for the children's art, posters horticultural entries and the vegetables & flowers from the school garden. 

Best wishes to the children who are competing in events at the show. I am looking forward to hearing about all the Show next week.

Bulb Drive

After the glorious rain received across most of our district everything is greening up and gardens are coming back to life. We have sent out an order form for the P&F fundraising Spring Bulb Drive this week.

Thank you Vanessa for coordinating the the bulb drive. 

Easter Raffle

The St Pat's P&F will also hold another Easter Raffle again this year. They are asking every family to donate an Easter theme prize (no matter how big or small as we bundle them up ) to the front office by Friday, April 3 and we will draw the raffle on Thursday, April 9. Raffle ticket forms will go home in the next fortnight. Mrs Pittman has a box in her office for the Easter donations.

Our Next P & F Meeting - Monday 16th March 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Please read the letter updating families on the current status of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in NSW and to advise you of the approach currently being undertaken by Catholic Schools within the Armidale Diocese to keep you informed.


The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is held in May each year for Year 3 and Year 5 students. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. The results of the tests provide information for students, parents, teachers and principals and can be used to improve student achievement. Please take the time to read the linked information brochure for parents and carers.

Public demonstration site

In advance of taking NAPLAN Online, students, teachers and parents are invited to use the public demonstration tests to familiarise themselves with the type of questions and related functionalities available in the NAPLAN Online assessment. Some of the key features include a range of question types, onscreen tools, timers and interactive navigation.

Read the article on >

Primary Classes Yr 3-6 Science and Engineering Discovery Day on Tuesday, 10 March

Our primary students had a wonderful day at the Science and Engineering Discovery Day on Tuesday. We are very grateful to the Walcha Rotary Club, UNE & Mr David Stellar for assisting our students to attend this day.

Walcha Youth Advisory Meeting 

St Patrick's Year 6 students hosted the Youth Advisory last week. The students discussed the Easter holiday activities and future goals for the youth of Walcha.