P & F


2020 Committee

President   - Vanessa Arundale

Vice President - Lisa Patterson-Kane

Secretary - Chloe Hoy

Treasurer - Karen Blomfield

P & F will cover the cost of the following Student Activities for 2020

Mini Minstrels Music Program for 5 weeks each term,


Reading Eggs 

Classroom resources/stationery items

Thank you for all of the fundraising events throughout 2019 to pay for these important resources.

Bulb Drive


We are having our fundraising spring-flowering bulb drive again this year and a catalogue should have come home with your child last Monday.

Bulbs are a great way to enjoy some colour in your garden this spring and with all this lovey rain we have had the ground will be in great condition for planting. 

All the goodness is already in the bulb so as long as they get just a little bit of water when the weather gets warmer in August/September you should have something to brighten your day. 

They are great in pots and fun for children to plant too. 

If you did not receive your catalogue there are more in the school front office.

Please make your cheque payable to the St Patrick’s P&F(or pay cash) and drop into the school office along with the completed order form by Friday, March 20. 

Your bulbs will arrive just before the school holidays - something for the children to do the following week! 

Thanks so much for your support, Vanessa Arundale President St Patricks P&F  

Easter Raffle

The St Pat's P&F will also hold another Easter Raffle again this year. We are asking every family to donate an Easter theme prize (no matter how big or small as we bundle them up ) to the front office by Friday, April 3 and we will draw the raffle on Thursday, April 9. Raffle ticket forms will go home in the next fortnight.

Upcoming events

Bulb Drive

Easter Raffle

Mothers Day Stall

Street Stall


Parents are reminded that all contact with the school should be through the front office.  Please ensure that emails advising of absences, changes to routine, requests for meetings etc, are sent to the school email.  Please note the email address -  spwadmin@arm.catholic.edu.au


The Long Luncheon Committee has carefully considered the current conditions due to the drought and has decided to postpone the Long Luncheon planned for April 2020 until April 2021. The committee is committed to ensuring that the Long Luncheon will take place in 2021.