Library News

Library Borrowing 

Please ensure all library books at home are returned to the library for the end of year stocktake.

6 Reasons to Read Aloud to Your Kids

To promote your child's future reading ability, reading aloud is one of the most important things you can do. Whether you choose a book from your child’s bookshelf or one from your local library, sharing this special read-aloud time with your child will benefit him or her in numerous ways.


There are six really great reasons why you should read aloud to your children. After reading these reasons, I’m hoping and encouraging you to go and pick up a book and start reading aloud on a regular basis.


1.  Reading aloud to children creates a lifetime interest in reading.

2.  Reading to young children extends their attention spans.

3.  Reading aloud to children aids in language development.

4.  As you read aloud, the power of a child’s imagination is strengthened.

5.  Reading aloud helps build a child’s comprehension.

6.  Last, but certainly not least, read-aloud time is great one-on-one bonding time.


Reading aloud with your child provides a wonderful chance to share adventure, without having to leave your living room.