
TERM 4 2019 Canteen

Please see below Term 4 Roster and updated menu and price list - there has been a few changes made.

These include the addition of:

-Juicies Icy pole $2.00

-Frozen Yoghurts in Choc-Vanilla & Strawberry-Vanilla flavours $2.20

Chicken and Lettuce wrap or sandwich $4.00


Chicken strips have increased in price to $1.20


The pretzels have been removed from the menu.

Chilli Chicken strips are no longer available.


These menu changes have been made to comply with the healthy canteen standards or due to supply issues.

Please check the roster and contact Liz Turner on 0427 776502 or Chloe Hoy 0400 389 573 if there are any problems.

If you don't have your Working With Children Check done on line,  you can do the Working With Children Declaration at the school office (you will need to bring 100 points of identification, either as originals or as certified copies).

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Canteen Co-ordinators Liz Turner and Chloe Hoy


WWCC - it is a requirement that ALL PEOPLE (incuding parents) who spend time working with children in classrooms or working in the canteen provide to the school one of the following:

Working With Children Check - on line application - lasts five years - this is the preferred option.

Working With Children Declaration - only for those who are exempt from the WWCC.  Form available at the office - lasts one year - requires one hundred points of identification (we need original or certified copy of documents).


Once again we are asking that those parents who do not have a Working With Children Check please take steps to obtain one.   If you already have one, please notify the school of your WWCC number and your date of birth for verification.