From the R.E.C

Important Sacramental Dates
*Sacrament of Communion: Sunday 18th June @ 9:00a.m.
Altar Servers
Thank you to the children who give so generously of their time for this important ministry.
Saturday 10th June @6p.m. Will and Oliver Longstaff
Sunday 11th June @ 9a.m. Cadence Dowdell
Saturday 17th June @6p.m. Noah Burford and Matilda Murphy
Sunday 18th June @ 9a.m. (First Holy Communion Mass)
Catholic Schools Week
Last week we took the opportunity to focus on a positive and hopeful future as part of our Catholic Schools Week celebration. The decision for this year’s theme ‘Renew with Hope’ was made as Pope Francis announced that the Church will celebrate a Jubilee Year in 2025. The Jubilee theme for this special year of grace is ‘Pilgrims of Hope’.
On Thursday, 25th May our School Captains Angus Read and Camilla Lampe along with Vice Captain Ollie Ford, attended the Catholic Schools Week Mass in Armidale. As a school, we came together with our families, community and parishioners to celebrate Catholic Schools Week at Family Mass on Saturday evening. Thank you to everyone who attended.
Pyjama Day
To help those in need of assistance this Winter, we are planning a Fundraising event at St Francis Xavier's School on Thursday 15th June. Children will be able to dress in Pyjamas (or a combination of PJs and clothes) for a gold coin donation! Please see the flyer below.
Judy Rily REC