What Rob missed...

This term Rob took time off to enjoy his new baby. The students in Year 6 wrote recounts to share with Rob all the things he had missed in his time away.

The Flood! 

by Bilal, Adam and Jamie


It was a quiet Friday afternoon. Half of the sixes were at interschool sport, the other half were getting ready for assembly. “JAZ COME HERE QUICK, THE TAP WON’T TURN IT OFF” yelled Jamie. Jaz went to check out the tap, which wouldn’t turn off. Jaz told us to quickly grab any kind of buckets we could find and start scooping the water out of the quickly filling sink. Jamie, Adam, Seyhan and Bilal quickly grabbed buckets and created a chain, handing buckets full of water, down the line, to outside where it was then thrown onto the grass. The water wasn’t stopping. Elise screamed out “JAMIE, BILAL QUICKLY RUN TO THE OFFICE”. The boys ran as fast as they could to get Amanda whilst Jaz and Kitty kept trying to fix the tap and filling buckets of water and handing them to the others. Elise called Marcus, who took his time to walk down, saw Jaz, Elise and Kitty and began laughing. 


The sink started to overflow, going all over Elise’s, Jaz’s and Kitty’s clothes, as if they had just jumped into a swimming pool. Marcus took 10 minutes to undo his laces and take off his beautiful shoes whilst the teachers started throwing paper and all the office supplies to the boys to try and save it from getting destroyed. Finally, Marcus took his shoes off and did absolutely nothing. The water was everywhere. Shoes were getting filled, staplers began floating and no one could figure out how to turn the tap off. POP went the tap…. It came right off…. More water was going everywhere! It was a disaster! Elise called a plumber who took forever to come. Marcus started to slowly sweep the water outside but there was so much water Marcus couldn’t sweep fast enough. Finally, the plumber came to investigate the flood. He crawled under the portable and turned off the water. Jaz, Elise and Kitty were dripping with water. It was hilarious. The water hasn’t been turned on since…..

My Day at Gumboots Kinder 

by Tania J


On Thursday the 17th of March, The Lakes school captains and I went to Gumboots Kinder, down the road from school. Now, sit down, get cosy and let me tell you what an amazing day we had.


Harshu, Prarthana, Xavier K and I went to Gumboots Kinder with Clare and Alisha from Prep. The walk was short but exciting, only taking us 10 minutes to get there. Luckily the weather was on our side. I was so excited to meet the kinder kids, I was imagining introducing myself to the cute, innocent kids.


Once we arrived at Gumboots we were welcomed with the aroma of delicious pumpkin soup. We checked in and was welcomed through the black gate, entering the kinder classroom. The kinder kids were waiting patiently for us, smiling and waving hello as we walked through the classroom to the front of the room.


The kids were so cute! We waved back, making our way to the front of the room. The educators asked us to introduce ourselves to the class. Prarthana started off and we ended our introduction with Xavier. They all seemed pleased and equally excited with our introduction. After the educators introduced the class, I read a picture book to the kinder kids. The kids listened carefully, looking at the pictures on each page. We took some photos and talked to them, whilst answering their questions.


I felt so lucky to spend the day with the kinder kids. They were so adorable and I hope to see them again, hopefully at our school next year!

Earth Ed. Excursion 

By Bonnie and Ishan


“Can all Year 6 Students who are going on the excursion go to the canteen” the speakers said loudly. It was bout 8.30am roughly when we left to go on the bus. It was one of those fancy ones with the leather seats that can recline, it was really cool. It didn’t feel like an hour and a half, I’m guessing because I was having a lot of fun on the bus. The place we went to was called Earth Ed, it kind of looked weird form the outside but on the inside was really cool. 

As soon as we arrived we tore into our snack like a pack of hungry wolves. After devouring our meals we met two instructors, Rosie and Trish. We were split into groups and went to our activities.


When we walked inside I saw a bar with lab coats on it, a bit further down from where we were. I was really hoping we would use those later. The people working at Earth Ed took us to an area where we all sat down and they talked to us about liquids, gas and solids. A bit after that we went and broke off into two groups and went to our first experiments. 


Crime Scene:

When we walked over to our room we first put on lab coats and had to button all of the buttons up. We went into the room and they explained that we were doing forensic science. The situation was that someone had broken into one of their science rooms and took equipment, but they spilt some white powder all over themselves. There were three suspects; Kitty; she said that she was at the gym. When it happened, Jaz said she was cleaning the house and Steve said he was baking. Kitty had baby powder on her, Jaz had baking soda on her and Steve had flour on him. 


The people told us to get in partners and go to our work station. At the station we had four containers of white powder, they were icing sugar, flour, baking soda and baby powder. We also had water, iodine, vinegar and a bunsen burner. We had to put one of the white powders into four test tubes and add the liquids and bunsen burner to each and see the reaction. We had to do that with all of the powders. Then we had to do the same with the crime scene powder to see was the same and who was the culprit. It was……………JAZ!

Chemical Compound Lunchbox:

When I say lunchbox you might be thinking of sandwiches or burgers, but what is in this lunchbox is 100% not edible! Our task was to complete all the activities in the box. But before we started Rosie showed us a little demonstration. Have you ever heard of Elephant Toothpaste? Well like the name suggests, when the chemicals are combined it gets big and messy.


In pairs we completed activities to identify the chemical and physical changes that were occurring. There was a heat pack, which will heat up if you press on a metal disc and a bomb bag which exploded when shaken – make sure you thow it or it could end badly! Each experiment showed us how different solutions can change state when mixed with something else, in different ways.


After all the experiments we sadly had to head back. It was a really fun experience and I wish I could do it again. In conclusion my favourite bit was wearing a lab coat and using the Bunsen burner. We got back at about 4.00pm, I didn’t realise we’d get back so late, but that was probably the best excursion yet.