Student Reflections
Year 10 students doing VCE
Four of our Year 10 students have been given the opportunity to do VCE General Mathematics in 2022. Students have shared their Term 1 experience below:
Going into Year 11 VCE as a Year 10 can begin a bit terrifying, but once you begin adjusting to the surroundings of students older than you, it feels like a continuation of what’s been happening for years beforehand. The workload throughout General Math comes at a larger amount at a quicker pace than what Maths Pathway had offered previously, although it is much easier to communicate to the peers you are surrounded by as everyone is working around the same topic. VCE does provide a bigger workload and it is fairly more enjoyable than Maths Pathway learning process though time consumption can be stressful and become a problem at times but studying isn’t the worst thing in the world. All in all, General Math has been pretty enjoyable and provides a lot more new challenges, which creates a brand new environment for us in Year 10. Nick
Going into a VCE class as a Year 10 was really intimidating at first, we were all really scared walking through the VCE building and sitting in a class with people older than us but we adjusted fairly quickly. We work at a much faster pace than I have in previous years and there is a much larger workload, although I feel very confident in the topics that we are covering and feel like I did well on my first SAC because of the work I have done in previous years. The larger workload is definitely stressful and sometimes it is difficult managing my time effectively because I do not have any free periods. Overall, I am really enjoying it and am glad that I am in this class. Charlotte
Being a Year 10 in a Year 11 VCE class has had its difficulties but it has been fun and more fast paced. While doing Maths Pathway it was very slow moving, everyone was doing something different and it was stressful to have a deadline for a certain number of modules. In General Math, everyone is focusing on the same topic, although you can work ahead it is all very cohesive; it is very quickly paced and all the topics flow better into each other. If you fall behind and do not complete the set tasks, then it is okay and you complete it in your own time and don't have to stay in at lunch to complete modules. Although it is weird not being in a class with my fellow Year 10's it has been a new and adventurous challenge. Eliza
Term 1 Year 7 and 9 Math CATs
During term 1 Year 7 students completed a Math CAT (Common Assessment Task) on Statistics. They collected and analysed data, created graphs and reflected and evaluated their findings. The Year 9 students completed their CAT on Financial Arithmetic, looking at Gross and Net Income by calculating Taxation, and then using these figures to Budget for Accommodation, Utilities, Food, Transport etc.
Students have shared their CAT experience below:
Year 7
I learned about different types of graphs and how to display information. I learned how to use a stem and leaf plot, a pie chart a bar graph and column graph. I also talked to different people to find out a bit about them. Lidia
I have learned many different strategies and ways to figure out how to use different types of graphs and ways of collecting data. I had a growth mindset and tried my best to complete the task even though I was away for a few sessions. Jaidah
I personally enjoyed and learnt many different things with this Math CAT, things that I either haven't learnt about in the past or that I have struggled on recently I now understand. I learnt how to use a stem and leaf plot and a pie chart, I now feel very confident when I use these types of graphs! Abbie
Year 9
The CAT (common assessment task) was about calculating tax for the job that was allocated for you. Understanding taxes significantly reduces the likelihood of making mistakes of ignorance. It was extensively engaging and significantly helped to step up the tax calculation skills which are vital in the near future. Anhad
The Math CAT helped me on how to manage taxes, GROSS and NET earnings. I also learnt how to manage daily, monthly and yearly income. It has helped with my understanding and prepared me for the future. I enjoyed the experience of having a pretend job and house so that I know what the future can hold. Ciara
From this CAT I learnt the way taxes are used and how they can affect your real-life salary. It was a good way to learn math by showing us it in a real-life scenario. I found that the topic was an interesting spin on the way to teach us the ability to calculate the gross and net worth. Although this CAT was interesting it was also a difficult concept to understand. Jorja
I learnt how to calculate the net and gross incomes. I enjoyed finding a place to rent and finding out how much all the taxes and the house would cost, I found some things difficult such as finding out some answers for my net over weekly, monthly and yearly as it was hard I practiced it and overtime I got it right. Matilda