Introducing the 2022 Primary Leaders
School Captain Report Term 1 2022
Term One has been full of excitement and buzz. They Year 6’s got to travel to Ballarat for an Earth Ed experience and get the ball rolling for 5/6 Sport. The Year 2’s got to explore Westgarth Town and the Preps have hit the ground running.
This term the school has been focusing on School Pride, it has been great to see the yard so clean and rubbish in the bins. We have seen a big improvement in students being in full school uniform, it looks professional and sharp.
Students showing the value of Respect especially out in the yard has been outstanding. Some real kindness has been shown towards our Preps and making them feel welcome. We have been working hard to show all of our values and using SWPBS to encourage all students and staff enjoy being at school. The SWPBS shop is back in action and students are building up their dojos to make a purchase.
When intrigued and engaged our students have thrived in their learning, we want thank our teachers for working hard behind the scenes to support our learning journey and getting us off on the right track in 2022.
The student leadership team has put together a student display facing out in to the yard. It introduces the leadership team and will be updated with reminders and upcoming events.
As School Captains (Tania, Xavier, Prarthana and Harshu) we are proud and happy to be at this amazing school and feel privileged to be a part of the school’s leadership team.
We hope everyone has a wonderful and well earned break.
From your School Captains
Tania, Xavier, Prarthana and Harshu
House Captains & Peer Mediators
2022 Peer Mediators:
Jiya P, Cianan R, Haylee B,
Riania K, Millie D, Kiara T,
Milly R, Neha P, Matai A,
Ashwin B
2022 House Captains:
Jackson - Ella B, Donny W
Evans – Rydah L, Tanya S,
Rafter – Bonnie N, Diya M
Beachley – Xavier D, Kris T