School Council 

School Council Membership 2022/2023

Parent members:

  • Fiona Limoli 
  • Brian Stanley - President
  • Laura Tripp
  • Rick Bottiglieri - Vice President
  • Kate Collinson
  • Thomas Rundle - Treasurer

 DET members:

  • Jarrod Sutton - Executive Officer
  • Helen Lockart
  • Lisa McLachlan
  • Sandra Monaghan  - School Council Secretary

School Council Meeting Report 

20th June 2022

This month’s School Council meeting included time on training for the responsibilities and scope of school councils. It was very informative and all left with a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities involved. 

Junior School Council

JSC discussed the school uniform policy change and the rollout of information to students. JSC are now meeting in the PLT room adjacent to the staff room and have received their badges. 

Principal’s report

Staffing Update – Jarrod will continue as Acting Principal for Term 3. Moving forward School Council will be involved in the process for the next Substantiative Principal.

Asset Management Plan 1 

We were able to meet the June 9th deadline for submission and are now waiting to begin the AMP 2 phase, which involves working with a Project Group and architects to begin the designs. The Minister for Education and Local Member for Essendon will be visiting on the 12th July (first week of term 3) to announce the funding directly to the students at an assembly. 

School Events and Parents Onsite

As COVID restrictions ease, we are considering ways to welcome parents and carers back onsite, including for school events such as Pyjama Day, Book Week, Show Day, open classroom mornings and a Colour Fun Run. 

Dress Code Policy and Implementation Timeline

The Dress Code review is complete and the updated Dress Code Policy has been developed along with an implementation timeline. From 2023, families will be encouraged to purchase and wear the uniform, with the offsite compulsory aspect beginning in Term 3 next year, and full compulsory expected to start 2024. 

Year 5/6 camp

Dates are 16th -19th August and 23rd – 26th August, at Camp Charnwood. There is a snow day experience as part of the 4-day camp. We have recently circulated the Expression of Interest and are holding the parent information evening on Thursday 16th June.


Three Way Conferences (Parent, Student, Teacher) interview Term 3

In week 3 of Term 3, we will hold our three-way conferences, via Webex or in person if requested. Bookings will be available on Compass early Term 3 including a late-night opportunity. 

Resources Committee

School Council reviewed and discussed the School Council Financial Summary Report and the School Budget Management Report.  Finance reports for May were shared and endorsed. 

Fundraising – the Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall was a great success, raising $3590.98. Thank you to all involved. The next Fundraising event is the Trivia Night to be held on Friday 2nd September. 

A discussion was held regarding strategies for increasing Foundation enrolment at MPW, including greater engagement with local feeder kindergartens. 

Education Committee

Education Committee discussed the Student Engagement and Wellbeing Guidelines document, which is almost finalised and contains all the information and processes for the school relating to teaching, engagement and wellbeing. 

6th June 2022

 This meeting was a short extra meeting to look over the draft of the Asset Management Plan (AMP1) for the Capital Works Grant we have received. This meeting was required in addition to the scheduled School Council meeting to meet the deadline for the submission. 

Council members read over the draft and gave recommendations and suggestions. Overall the draft was approved and the process has begun, which is exciting. 


Lisa McLachlan

School Councillor

Annual General Meeting 23rd May 2022

On Monday 23rd of May  our 2022 AGM was held, where the 2021 Annual report to the School Community was tabled.

Please find attached the presentation from the evening and the Annual Report 2022 which is also available on our website at

School Council Meetings 2022

Education Committee - 6:30pm

  • Wednesday 15th June
  • Monday 1st August 
  • Monday 10th October 
  • Monday 7th November 

Resources Committee 6:30pm

  • Wednesday 15th June
  • Tuesday 9th August
  • Tuesday 11th October
  • Tuesday 8th November
  • Thursday 8th December