Australian Maths Competition (AMC)

Mrs Amy Armstrong 

Australian Maths Competition (AMC)

Hosted by the Australian Maths Trust


Dear Parents and Families


All children in Grades 3-6 have the opportunity to sit the Australian Maths Competition (AMC) in August this year.  The AMC is a well established and highly regarded competition which has been running for 40 years in more than 30 countries.


The competition aims to be accessible to all students, not just those who are mathematically confident. There is an emphasis on problem solving, a valuable life skill, and the questions are designed to be fun for the children. 


Over 1,000 students share the prizes and around 50% of participants qualify to receive a Certificate of High Distinction, Distinction or Credit. All other entrants in the competition receive a Certificate of Participation or a Proficiency Certificate. All students are also provided with a detailed report showing how they performed on each problem with wider statistical rankings.


Further information regarding participation and payment has been distributed via Compass, and payments are now open.


We look forward to seeing our students enjoy this fabulous opportunity.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Amy Armstrong

Australian Maths Competition Coordinator