Grade 1 

 Tiffany Dean (1A)                           Support:   Julia Shea, Nicole Morton, Kim Mavrogiannis

 Susan Winter  (1B)                                 



The Grade 1s have had a super start to Term 3 and are loving our new learning spaces. We have already started learning a few new topics for Maths, including Capacity and Division.


 The students had a lot of fun using blocks to calculate the capacity of their slippers or shoes. We had some remarkably close predictions and were also able to use our estimation skills to predict whose slipper/shoe had the most or least capacity. 


You can do similar tasks at home by using sand or water and different sized containers. We are also learning how division is like sharing and how it is important to have a fair share. Again, at home you can practise sharing objects such as lollies or marbles and talking about what we do with the ones that are leftover.



In Writing, we have been learning what poetry is and had a special visitor to our class who brought us an important message which was our poem to learn. We have done a lot of practice on identifying rhyming words and are also learning lots of new vocabulary about our sleepy, drowsy bear who likes to dine!



The students are super excited about our Discovery topic this term which is all about minibeasts. Perhaps you can have an explore around your garden or the local parks or rivers to see what minibeasts you can find? We look forward to hearing about all your explorations!