Vaccination Information Session

Dear CSC community, 


I’m pleased to welcome you to a COVID-19 vaccination information session hosted by our school COVID vaccination champion Mallissa Allen with special guests Atha Kolovos (Wellbeing leader) and Michael Fowles (Assistant Principal).


The session is designed to provide practical information about the COVID-19 vaccines and to: 

  • Increase vaccine confidence
  • Increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations
  • Provide an overview of the current vaccine recommendations.

At the end of the session you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and we will do our best to answer them to the best of our ability.


The session will be held via WebEx on Thursday the 28/10/2021 at 12:30 PM.


If you would like to attend, please email Mallissa Allen –

 and you will be sent a WebEx link for the session. Can be accessed via phone app or computer.


 Please note: The session is not designed to be a debate over current vaccine Government roll outs. Craigieburn Secondary College acknowledges plus respects your personal views and beliefs. We greatly thank you for your time. 


Many thanks and kind regards, Mallissa Allen