From the Principal's Desk

Thank You from Mr Hyde
Mr Tony Hyde and his family continue to be very grateful for the many cards, messages and gifts they have received over the past few weeks. They extend a very big thank you for the beautiful flowers the PFA sent to Tony last week on behalf of the school community.
Last week, on behalf of our students, we sent donuts to all the medical staff caring for Tony. The nurses were very grateful and teased Mr Hyde (who couldn't have one) by rubbing their tummies and wiping away crumbs when they visited him to pass on their thanks!!
Student Absences
Please note that it is a requirement that parents notify the school (preferably in writing) of all instances when their child may be absent for all or part of a day. This can be easily done via our school app. Alternatively, you can contact the school office by phone to report an abscence.
Parents who fail to notify us of their child's absence by 9:30am will receive an automated SMS or email notifying them that their child is not at school. Parents need to contact us immediately with the reason for the child's absence.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund
A reminder that families who hold a valid Health Care Card for the 2018 year are able to receive a government rebate through the Camp, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) which is currently set at $125 per primary aged child.
Applications for the CSEF can be collected from the school office or are available to download from the school website. These are due to the office by the end of this term 29th June.
Prep 2019
Prep enrolments for 2019 are open and I ask that all families who have a child starting school here next year to collect an enrolment form from the school office (or download it from our website) and return it by Friday 29th June.
If any family knows of other families with children due to commence school next year you may like to recommend our school and invite them to call me for a school tour.
Mid-Year Learning Expo
Our Mid-Year Learning Expo is scheduled for next Tuesday 26th June, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm.
A full program of events has been distributed to families this week. We look forward to seeing you all there to celebrate the children's learning.
At the end of this term we bid farewell to Mrs Chloe Sirca (Year 3/4C) as she prepares for the birth of her first child. Our thoughts are with Chloe and her husband Adam and we can’t wait to meet the new little addition to their family.
Next term we welcome Miss Sarah Bruce who has been appointed as our new Year 3/4 teacher to replace Mrs Chloe Sirca. Sarah met the children yesterday when she spent the day at Corpus Christi planning with the Year 3/4 teachers for Term 3. Sarah will be in again for a day next week as part of our induction processes. She will commence full-time next term. I am sure you will welcome her to our wonderful community.
Privacy Policy
The updated version of our Privacy Policy is now available on our website.
The link below will take you straight to the policy:
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Jane Wilkinson
(Acting Principal)