School Council

School Council Report

25th June 2018


The School Election Ballot been declared and we welcome Ben Atchison, Nigel Keegan and Lisa Shaw to Council. A big thank you the past members of council, your work and dedication has been recognised and very much appreciated.

At the meeting we elected the office bearers for 2018, congratulations to:

President: Louise Evans

Vice President: Ben Atchison

Treasurer:  Lisa Shaw



A Newsletter for school Councillors (prepared by the Department) will become a regular feature of school council correspondence. The articles are relevant and interesting.



School Council are looking forward to the proposal put forward by the Inquiry PLT for a whole school focus on the environment and sustainability.  The Environment and Sustainability team have applied for a number of grants and will know if they have been successful in the coming weeks. One of the grants was titled ‘Make Jack’s Paddock great again’.

Our school will undergo a ‘Peer’ review in October. It will consist of a validation day and two further days. Philippa Morrison is our reviewer for this process.

 Other components to the review will be;

-A Community Forum run by Leslie Tulloch and Kerri Simpson

-A community Survey, the questions related to the forum.

-Principals Open Line on Monday mornings.

VRQA Registration will be a part of our review.

As a school, we are required to be registered with this organisation and the requirements will be reviewed every three years.

Paul Ledwidge will be the school’s literacy coach and will be working with the English PLT. Paul comes to us with some excellent credentials.

Chris Coombes a mathematic consultant will be working with the Numeracy PLT and team leaders on problem based learning. Chris is well respected in his field. Three of our teachers have already been to a view another school.

The risk management for the MVIMP Music Camp to be held at Lady Northcote Camp, Bacchus Marsh was tabled and approved. As the co-ordinator school for the next three years we are required to do this on behalf of the four schools who participate in this program.



The community will be informed as soon as possible after the event of the amount of money raised and what it will be used for. The funds raised at the Trivia Night can be found in this newsletter.

It was discussed that there had been no environmental considerations regarding the new toilets, the use of grey water, composting toilets and solar panels. There will be further investigations in this area .

The MPW sponsorship policy at the next meeting and discuss it at the next School Council meeting.

The introduction of COMPASS was discussed and the Council will be interested to look at the uptake of this system within the community at the next meeting.

The idea of having a POP UP playground was discussed. Helen spoke to the history of Pop Up play grounds at Moonee Ponds West. Kerri is working with Anna Sneddon (Room 1) on this exciting idea.

A big ‘Thank You’ to all the people that worked on developing the vision statement and our school values. The Working Party ensured our community had an opportunity to be a part of this process.

The Vision and Values statement were endorsed by School Council.


Our Vision.

Young people will leave Moonee Ponds West as knowledgeable, collaborative and critical thinking individuals able to take their place in the world with the capacity and courage to create a better future.

The Moonee Ponds West community does this by developing the whole child and nurturing compassion, creativity and a love of learning.





Critical Thinking


Thank you to all concerned in this process. School Council is looking forward to seeing our vision statement and values embedded in our daily school life.


The School Annual report was discussed and can be found on the school website along with our AIP (Annual Implementation Plan) documentation.


Vicki McCormack

School Councillor

Up coming meetings:

Monday 27,  August

School Council 19:00

School Council Membership 2018

Parent members:

  • Louise Evans
  • Ben Atchison
  • Lisa Shaw
  • Simone Beever
  • Lee Cath
  • Nigel Keegan
  • Jarrod Smith
  • Nigel Toussaint

DET members:

Kerri Simpson - Executive Officer

Michelle Bovè

Helen Lockart

Vicki McCormack

Alyena Mohummadally

Sandra Monaghan (School Council Secretary)