PACE Program

Communities That Care – PACE program.
“Tonight was encouraging to learn about others having issues too. Working together in giving suggestions that would be helpful to implement. Feeling very welcomed and knowing help is there was good , listening to the advisors gives me hope that change can happen and knowing they really care about the children of our future and their families . I admire community minded people that give their time to make changes for the better. Thank you”
“I found the information session helpful. I liked being able to discuss issues that were common amongst the group, I don’t feel alone . Also everyone had a different method in dealing/managing these issue.”
“Its been an interesting time learning new techniques and supports for you and your family.
Its great to know you are not alone, there are others going through what you are
I loved the self care items and remembering to take care of myself. Having a safe environment to be able to talk about some of the more difficult topics was fantastic. I would keep ‘crossing the circle’ going as it opens your eyes to show you aren’t alone and seeing others also going through the things you’ve yet to experience. Great support from the teaching team. For me the brain function was an eye opener into my own life and the decisions I made when I was younger and how my own children minds are developing (what stages).”
These are just a few of the statements provided by Year 7-8 parents during the PACE Program.
As part of our Pastoral Care Program, a group of 12 parents participated in the PACE Program (Parenting Adolescents: a Creative Experience) supported by the Communities that Care, a Knox Council initiative. It was an 8 week program which provided parents with different types of skills and approaches to support them in their role as a parent or carer of an adolescent in Year 7 or 8. The aim of this program was to strengthen connections between parents, children, and the school so we can support each other and create a strong community. The program supports carers and parents to tackle the difficult questions and movements that pop up in day to day life with young people. Negotiations and problem solving is key to effective communication.
Fairhills HS appreciates the support provided by the Communities that Care providers and looks forward to a continued relationship that provides support for our students and parent community in 2018.
Adrienne Tanner
Engagement Co-ordinator