Thailand Tour

Thailand Community Service Tour
Thailand Community Service Trivia Night was held on the 13th October. The Performing Arts Centre was transformed into a Thai wonderland. And the people came…. Families of the students, past students, current students, teachers and a large group of Rotarians from the Ferntree Gully Rotary Club who are supporting the students on their tour. The atmosphere in the room was festive and highly spirited. The questions were challenging, the games were generously supported, silent auction items all sold and the victory was sweet for members of Fairhills G Block. The evening raised nearly $4,000 for our project in northern Thailand. Our project is to build a chicken coop for the local school in a remote refugee community. It will provide a sustainable food source for the community. The Tour left on 24th November.
We would like to acknowledge the generous donations from:
- ACE Airport Parking
- Luna Park
- Puffing Billy
- Timezone Knox
- Beaver Swim School
- Brazilian Butterfly
- The Cuckoo Restaurant
- Bayswater Roller City
- The Club Hotel, Ferntree Gully
- Zagames, Boronia
- Bayswater Hotel
- Graham Mummery
- Jenny Oliver
Adrienne Tanner and Stewart MacCartney