YEAR 7 Humanities Virtual Reality Aboriginal Australia Incursion

On Friday 3 June, several Year 7s participated in the Virtual Reality Aboriginal Australia incursion. This was in support of their current Indigenous Australia unit in Humanities and paralleled the Reconciliation Week activities happening at the College across the week. 


The session included a full 360-degree tour into Pamagirri Indigenous land in Far North Queensland, demonstrations of traditional dance and ceremonies, interactive educational games, as well as an incredible CGI video bringing Dreamtime stories to life.


Jasmine Barnes (7D) reflected on her experience of the incursion: 

The most interesting part of the incursion was seeing the Dreamtime spirits come alive in the VR, because it was cool to see all the different versions of the Dreamtime stories. 

Something new I learnt was that each nation has their own version of the Dreamtime stories according to their culture.


The facilitator commented on the students’ exemplary behaviour and engagement in the sessions. Our newest cohort represented the College extremely well, gaining an exciting, shared experience that enriched their learning in Humanities. 


Thanks to all those who helped in organising the event, supervising the sessions, and encouraging participation amongst the Year 7 cohort.  


Natalie Taylor,

Humanities & English Teacher.