Chemistry Excursion

On the 7th of June, the Year 12 Chemistry class went on an excursion to The University of Melbourne to participate in the Chemistry Outreach Program for Unit 4. The program introduced students to the principles and applications of organic chemistry and structural analysis. Students completed an analysis by collecting and combining data from Mass Spectroscopy, 1H and 13CNMR and IR Spectroscopy. Working in small groups, students were able to determine the molecular structures of unknown compounds using the data obtained from the different analytical machines. 

















Students thoroughly enjoyed learning about the different analytical techniques and equipment used in Chemistry. In addition, students had their first real experience working in a sophisticated laboratory environment and were able to witness what a career in chemistry might look like. Lastly, our students got to spend some time walking around the historic University of Melbourne Parkville campus and observing what life might be like at university next year. 


Our students are now well equipped to tackle Unit 4 at the end of Term 2!


Stephen Coleman, Science Leader, Maths/Science. 

Aleksandar Liber, Science Teacher & Science Learning Area Leader.