Maths News
Year 9 students who studied Foundation Maths here have some behind the scenes work where they visited the CBD and used GeoGebra to recreate designs of buildings such as arches from Melbourne Cathedral.
Students: Sida Isimtekin 9H, Mustafa Nissan, Hussein Al-Jibury of 9C, Brodie Diver 9D, Ella Panuve 9I.
In the lead up to the CBD excursion students studied 3D solids and polyhedrons to envision building designs.
Students: Brodie Diver 9D, Ella Panuve 9I and Shantol Tomeh 9D
Members of 8B and 8C have successfully created the wonderful world of molecules and compounds in Chemistry in form of Glucose Sugar’
Students: Neil Chhabra 8C, Moayid Abushkewat 8C, Imogen Peters 8B , Tamieka Peterson 8B.
Justin Wu,
Science / Math Teaching Staff,
Junior Subschool Staff.