Education News 

ANZAC Commemoration

Lillian A Room Room 20

School Assembly Monday 4th May 2020

Maths News

Jo Boaler, a well-respected education author and researcher, has published many books and articles that focus on the importance of mindset when it comes to mathematics. A lot of her work is aimed at parents and her advice is perfectly summed up here.

Year 6-7 Transition


Transition Timeline

  • Friday 29 May date that parents/carers are required to return their Application for Year 7 Placement 2021 form
  • Wednesday 19 August  Primary schools will notify families of their child’s Year 7 placement offer
  • Monday 31 August  Closing date for parents/carers to lodge a written appeal with their preferred secondary school.
  • Friday 11 September  Secondary schools provide parents/carers with written notification of appeal outcome.
  • Friday 25 September Closing date for parents/carers to lodge a written appeal with relevant Regional Director (RD).
  • Friday 30 October - Regions notify parents/carers of outcome of RD appeal.