Environment and Sustainability

Green Team

Sara and Bec have been meeting with Jess, Lisa and the amazing kids from the Green Team each week this term.  The kids have some inspirational ideas and we are forming strong connections whilst working together.  Currently the focus is on reducing the waste produced by whole school events – the Green Team has constructed a plan for the upcoming Show Day and will be communicating with the wider school community on ways to run a completely rad show day whilst producing less waste!!  Great work Green Team!!


As you are probably aware, currently all kerbside recycling in Moonee Valley City Council is going straight to landfill. Here are some alternative options to keep the contents of our yellow bins out of landfill:

Transfer Station (Aberfeldie)

- Glass bottles, jars etc

- Paper

- Cardboard (must be flat)



Platinum Recycling (Airport West)

- Steel

- Aluminium

- E-waste

35 Hawker St, Airport West, 8am-4pm



Redcycle (Coles & Wollies) 

- Soft plastics eg. bread bags, wrappers etc



Hard Plastics

- Looks like these are heading to landfill for now

This is also a great opportunity to evaluate our purchasing and waste and to look at ways to reduce the amount of recycling produced in the first place.