From the R.E.C

Change of Sunday Mass time: 


A reminder that Sunday Mass is now being celebrated at the later time of 9:00am


Important Sacramental Dates 

*Parent Information Meeting    Tuesday 23rd May @ 5:30p.m. 

(Children are not required to attend)

*Sacrament of Communion       Sunday 18th June @ 9:00a.m. 


Altar Servers

Thank you to the children who give so generously of their time for this important ministry. 

Saturday 27th May @6p.m. Cadence Dowdell

Sunday 28th May @9a.m. Grace Freeman 


Saturday 3rd June @6pm.  Anna, Lucy and Matilda Murphy 

Sunday 4th June @9am. Volunteers please


Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week is being held across our Diocese this week. The theme for this year is ‘Renew With Hope’ encouraging everyone to focus on a positive and hopeful future. 


We invite our families and school community to come together at Family Mass on Saturday 27th May to celebrate Catholic Schools Week and the positive impact of Catholic education at our school. Mass commences at 6pm.



Judy Rily  REC