Hands on learning!

Scienceworks excursion, Maths and Inquiry

This term, the Year 4s got to go on their first excursion in 2 years to Scienceworks! We were super excited to be out and about, and we got to learn many different things about Science from Space to Liquid Nitrogen to Sports! 


Here is a recount written by one of our Year 4 students, Grace in Year 4B:

 ‘Sports Works was great because we got to race against Cathy Freeman. Did you know Freeman was the first Australian Indigenous person to become a Commonwealth Games gold medallist at age 16?‘ - Daniel E 


‘I loved seeing the liquid nitrogen experiment. Did you know that liquid nitrogen is -196 degrees Celsius?’ - Lucas L 


‘I loved the Beyond Perception Exhibition where there were heaps of mirrors and I could see thousands of people’ - Faraz

Hands on Math Activities

In Year 4, we really enjoy learning new math concepts by using hands on materials and games. This term we have been focusing on developing and extending out understanding of multiplication and division, as well as 2D and 3D shapes. By using materials such as Unifix blocks, dice, counters, board games, and playing card games we have been able to develop our understanding of the different math concepts in fun ways.

‘I loved making 3D objects out of paper nets!’- Sienna 


‘I loved making shapes from other shapes like making a hexagon using two trapezoids' - Selena 


 ‘I loved learning some new strategies that help me with my division, like learning how to solve division problems with remainders.’- Amrit


In Inquiry this term, we have been learning about the physical properties of materials. In particular, how insulators work to keep warm objects hot or cold objects cold. We got to do fun science experiments such as investigating the best material for a cup to be made of to keep hot water warm. Then, to show our understanding of the physical properties of materials, we designed our own lunchboxes using cardboard and other materials. Our lunchboxes had to be able to keep hot food hot, and cold food cold, as well as be big enough and sturdy enough to put food containers in!

 ‘I really liked how we got to use shoeboxes to make lunchboxes. I also really enjoyed designing my own lunchbox’- Taleah


‘I had fun doing the experiment using a thermometer to measure the change in temperature of hot and cold water.’- Jagger 


 ‘I liked using different physical properties of materials in my design, to make my lunchbox functional’- Kara 


‘I’ve loved making my own lunchbox and being able to work in a team with other people in my class’- Hayley