Mindfulness in Prep

Since the beginning of the year, we have placed a large focus on our social and emotional Wellbeing.

In Prep, we have placed a huge focus on emotions, dealing with challenging situations and learning new tools to manage ourselves when we feel a particular feeling.

We have learnt how to be mindful, by engaging in a variety of mindful practices daily, within our learning.


We begin our days on a positive, as we engage in different mindful practices, such as sharing gratitude, feelings, breathing techniques and affirmations.


We continue throughout the day as we engage in yoga, stretching, visual meditations using our senses and use tools such as our five-finger and box breathing to help us relax our bodies, remain calm, relaxed, present and in the moment. 


Engaging in mindfulness practices increases focus, attention, enhances self-control, class participation, builds on connection to self, empathy and compassion, boost confidence, improves academic performance, ability to solve conflict and decreases levels of stress and anxiety.


Teaching children to look after their minds is just as important as teaching them how to take care of their bodies. Introducing mindfulness at a young age helps set a foundation for these beneficial practices to be embedded into their lives now and in their future.


A few words from our students -

Q: What do you like about meditation?

 It makes me happy - SibelIt makes me calm - MasonI feel calm - OliviaI get excited - BeaI feel ready for learning - Rylee


Q: How do you feel when you engage in meditation?

Good because it makes me happy - AprilCalm - RyleeHappy! - AnayaCalm - RoccoReady for learning - DominickLove - Beyaze & KrishnikaCalm and ready for listening - StellaCalm - Cooper


Q: What are some tools you have learnt to manage your big feelings?

Calming breathes - ChelseaFive finger breathing - Alisha & RyleeBox breathing - ShabanJust breathing - StellaStretching - BeaBelly breathing - EleftheriaMeditation - Xristos